© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.order

The Order package provides the functionality to record orders sumbmitted by a Customer.


Interface Summary
Order An Order entity represents an order.
OrderConstants This class consists of certain constants related to Order
OrderHome The home interface for the Order entity bean.
OrderLine OrderLine represents one line in an Order.
OrderManager The OrderManagerBean is a session bean that isolates the JSP type calls from dealing directly with Order Entity Beans in a piece-meal fashion and improves performance by keeping the calls on the EJB sides.
OrderManagerHome The OrderManagerHome is a session EJB Home for OrderManager

Class Summary
Order_Customer_CRUD CRUD for OneToOne Mapping
Order_customer_SmartEntityReference Base class for all SmartEntityReference for 1:1 Entities for BMP.
Order_Money_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
Order_OrderLine_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
Order_orderLines_SmartCollectionReference Base class for all SmartCollectionReferences for Belongings for BMP.
Order_PaymentTransaction_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
Order_paymentTransaction_SmartEntityReference Base class for all SmartEntityReference for 1:1 Entities for BMP.
Order_ShippingAddress_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
Order_shippingAddress_ShippingAddressCRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
Order_totalPrice_MoneyCRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
Order_totalShipping_MoneyCRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
Order_totalTax_MoneyCRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
OrderAdjustmentPersistence Create (persist) and Read Order Adjustments Order Adjustments are passed back as part of the Pricing Service Reply and are persisted as part of the Order (for now) persistence model.
OrderAdjustmentPresentation This class is used to store presentation information related to an Order or an OrderLine adjustment computation.
OrderCRUD CRUD for entity bean Order
OrderImpl This is a class that will implement the business process of order fulfillment.
OrderJndi This file keeps track of JNDI names used for Order package beans.
OrderLine_Money_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
OrderLine_msrp_MoneyCRUD CRUD for entity bean OrderLine_msrp_Money
OrderLine_Price_CRUD CRUD for entity bean OrderLine_msrp_Money
OrderLine_price_PriceCRUD CRUD for entity bean OrderLine_msrp_Money
OrderLine_shipping_MoneyCRUD CRUD for entity bean OrderLine_msrp_Money
OrderLine_tax_MoneyCRUD CRUD for entity bean OrderLine_msrp_Money
OrderLineAdjustmentPersistence This class's role is to persist and read adjutments for Order Status type display/Administrator
It follows the pattern established by the CRUD objects in SmartBMP, only using the 'directUpdate' and 'directRefresh' and ignoring Belonging issues which are not relevant here.
OrderLineCRUD CRUD for entity bean OrderLine_msrp_Money
OrderLineHome The home class for the OrderLine belonging.
OrderLineImpl OrderLine represents one line in an Order.
OrderManagerBean The OrderManagerBean is a session bean that isolates the JSP type calls from dealing directly with Order Entity Beans in a piece-meal fashion and improves performance by keeping the calls on the EJB sides.
OrderManagerPageRetriever This file contains the implementation of a ScrollableModelPageRetriever, an object that gets order value objects based on a set of order primary keys.
OrderPk This is a PrimaryKey for managing the life cycle of the Order entity.
OrderSmartBMP Implementation of SmartBMP interface for bean Order.
OrderValue This class represents the state of Order entity.
StateMachine A class for implementing finite state machines.

Exception Summary
StateTransitionException Class of exception for state transitions in the StateMachine package

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.order Description

The Order package provides the functionality to record orders sumbmitted by a Customer.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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