© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.payment

The Payment package enables the use of credit cards as a form of payment.


Interface Summary
PaymentTransaction A PaymentTransaction is an Entity EJB that maintains the state of an individual Credit Card transaction.
PaymentTransactionHome The home interface for the PaymentTransaction entity bean.
Result Attribute: value Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
TransactionEntry Each TransactionEntry acts as a journal entry for a PaymentTransaction.

Class Summary
PaymentTransaction_creditCard_CreditCard_Address_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
PaymentTransaction_creditCard_CreditCard_billingAddress_AddressCRUD CRUD for entity bean PaymentTransaction_creditCard_CreditCard_billingAddress_Address
PaymentTransaction_creditCard_CreditCardCRUD CRUD for entity bean PaymentTransaction_creditCard_CreditCard
PaymentTransaction_CreditCard_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
PaymentTransaction_Price_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
PaymentTransaction_transactionAmount_PriceCRUD CRUD for entity bean PaymentTransaction_transactionAmount_Price
PaymentTransaction_TransactionEntry_CRUD CRUD for OneToMany Mapping
PaymentTransaction_transactionEntry_SmartCollectionReference Base class for all SmartCollectionReferences for Belongings for BMP.
PaymentTransactionCRUD CRUD for entity bean PaymentTransaction
PaymentTransactionCRUDExtension CRUD for entity bean PaymentTransaction
PaymentTransactionImpl This class holds data common to all the transaction types.
PaymentTransactionPk This is the primary key class for the PaymentTransaction Entity EJB.
PaymentTransactionSmartBMP Implementation of SmartBMP interface for bean PaymentTransaction.
PaymentTransactionValue A value object for the PaymentTransaction Entity EJB.
PaymentWorkflow ------------------------------------------------------ These are the states provided by this StateMachine: ------------------------------------------------------ [Authorized] [MarkedForSettle] [PendingPartialSettle] [PendingSettle] [Rejected] [SettleFailed] [Settled] [Retry] [Start] Initial State ------------------------------------------------------ These are the transitions provided by this StateMachine: ------------------------------------------------------ authorize [Start]------------->[Authorized] failSettle [Authorized]------------->[Authorized] failSettle [MarkedForSettle]------------->[MarkedForSettle] markForSettle [Authorized]------------->[MarkedForSettle] partialSettle [Authorized]------------->[PendingPartialSettle] partialSettle [MarkedForSettle]------------->[PendingPartialSettle] pendingPartialSettle [PendingPartialSettle]------------->[PendingPartialSettle] pendingSettle [PendingSettle]------------->[PendingSettle] queryFail [PendingPartialSettle]------------->[SettleFailed] queryFail [PendingSettle]------------->[SettleFailed] querySuccess [PendingPartialSettle]------------->[Authorized] querySuccess [PendingSettle]------------->[Settled] reject [Start]------------->[Rejected] settle [Authorized]------------->[PendingSettle] settle [MarkedForSettle]------------->[PendingSettle] systemFailure [Start]------------->[Retry] failRetry [Retry]------------->[Retry] authorize [Retry]------------->[Authorized]
ResultHome The home class for the Result belonging.
TransactionEntry_Price_CRUD CRUD for Aggregate Mapping
TransactionEntry_transactionAmount_PriceCRUD CRUD for entity bean TransactionEntry_transactionAmount_Price
TransactionEntryCRUD CRUD for entity bean TransactionEntry
TransactionEntryHome The home class for the TransactionEntry belonging.
TransactionEntryImpl This class is the base class of all the payment instrument transaction entries.
TransactionResponse A TransactionResponse is returned by the business methods of the CreditCardService.

Exception Summary
AuthorizationException Represents the condition when there is a problem with a credit card that the customer can fix and retry.
AuthorizationFailureException Signals that an authorization attempt was made with an invalid credit card.
AuthorizationRejectedException Signals that authorization with an otherwise valid credit card was unsuccessful.
CaptureException The exception that is thrown when a transaction fails to be captured.
GeneralServiceException Represents the condition when there is a service provider error.
InvalidCreditCardException This is exception is thrown when the credit card is not valid and cannot be retried.
PaymentException The base class of all payment related exceptions.
ServiceConfigurationException Represents the condition when the merchant's Payment service configuration is wrong.
ServiceUnavailableException Represents the condition when the link to the service provider is not available.
SettleException Represents the condition when the a payment transaction does not get settled.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.payment Description

The Payment package enables the use of credit cards as a form of payment. A customer provides credit card information that is then processed by a payment service. This process may be completed in real time or defered and completed asynchronously. The package is accessed through the PipelineComponents that reside the pipeline package and InputProcessors that reside in the webflow package. The PaymentTransaction and associated classes in his package are the mechanism by which a persistent record of the Payment operations is maintained. In addition there are classes that implement the payment service provider.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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