© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.shoppingcart

The shoppingcart package contains the classes that implement the shopping cart functionality that allows a Customer record the items they want to purchase.


Interface Summary
ShoppingCart The ShoppingCart is used to contain a list of ShoppingCartLines.
ShoppingCartConstants This class defines constants that are used in the ShoppingCart and ShoppingCartLine
ShoppingCartLine This class combines a ProductItem, a Quantity and a Money object.

Class Summary
ShoppingCartHome The home class for the ShoppingCart.
ShoppingCartImpl The ShoppingCart is used to contain a list of ShoppingCartLines.
ShoppingCartLineHome The home class for the ShoppingCartLine.
ShoppingCartLineImpl This class combines an Item, a Quantity and a Money.
ShoppingCartRulesFacade Class ShoppingCartRulesFacade is used to aid the evaluation of rule expressions.

Exception Summary
ItemNotInShoppingCartException Exception used by ShoppingCart to indicate that an item could not be found in the shopping cart.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.shoppingcart Description

The shoppingcart package contains the classes that implement the shopping cart functionality that allows a Customer record the items they want to purchase.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

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