© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.tax

The Tax Package provides services associated with the calculation of taxes.


Interface Summary
TaxInformation A Tax Information class is used to report the taxes totals for each entity.
TaxLine Has all the information from orderline required to do taxing, may be generated from an orderline.
TaxLineList Contains all of the orderlines of the order being taxed.
TaxLineResult A result returned from the tax program, the entityCode is a jurisdiction code of the taxing entity.
TaxParameters Currently defined locations include: ShipTo ShipFrom OrderAcceptance OrderOrigin Currently defined order-based attributes include: (listed with "name" (type) (default) explanation.
TaxResult A holder for various taxinfo belongings: total: A summary of all taxes and reasons line: A ordered list of lines that correspond to various taxes.

Class Summary
TaxInformationHome The home class for the TaxInformation belonging.
TaxInformationImpl A Tax Information class is used to report the taxes totals for each entity.
TaxLineHome The home class for the TaxLine belonging.
TaxLineImpl Has all the information from orderline required to do taxing, may be generated from an orderline.
TaxLineListHome The home class for the TaxLineList belonging.
TaxLineListImpl Contains all of the orderlines of the order being taxed.
TaxLineResultHome The home class for the TaxLineResult belonging.
TaxLineResultImpl A result returned from the tax program, the entityCode is a jurisdiction code of the taxing entity.
TaxParametersHome The home class for the TaxParameters belonging.
TaxParametersImpl Currently defined locations include: ShipTo ShipFrom OrderAcceptance OrderOrigin Currently defined order-based attributes include: (listed with "name" (type) (default) explanation.
TaxResultHome The home class for the TaxResult belonging.
TaxResultImpl A holder for various taxinfo belongings: total: A summary of all taxes and reasons line: A ordered list of lines that correspond to various taxes.

Exception Summary
TaxException Tax service exception.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.tax Description

The Tax Package provides services associated with the calculation of taxes. This includes supporting functionality such as address verification.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved