© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class BelongingImpl

  extended bycom.beasys.commerce.foundation.BelongingImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Belonging, BusinessSmartComponent, Cloneable, Comparable, RelationalReference, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ImageInfoImpl, InventoryInfoImpl, JspInfoImpl, MoneyImpl, OrderLineImpl, QualityImpl, QuantityImpl, ResultImpl, ShoppingCartImpl, ShoppingCartLineImpl, StateImpl, TaxInformationImpl, TaxLineImpl, TaxLineListImpl, TaxLineResultImpl, TaxParametersImpl, TaxResultImpl, TransactionEntryImpl, TransitionImpl, UnitImpl, UnitPriceImpl

public abstract class BelongingImpl
extends Object
implements Belonging, RelationalReference

The BelongingImpl provides the abstract base class from which all Belonging implementations must be derived. It implements the Belonging interface and serves as its symmetric counterpart.

See Also:
Belonging, SmartHome, Serialized Form

Field Summary
 String __classIdentifier
 Belonging __containingBelonging
 SmartEntityReference __containingEntity
 Object __mapKey
 Long __sequenceNumber
 boolean _isDirty
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 void clearRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier, Collection collection)
 void clearRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier, Collection collection, Object o)
 void clearRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier, Map map)
 void clearRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier, Map map, Object key)
 Object clone()
          Returns a shallow copy of the Belonging instance.
abstract  int compareTo(Object o)
          Compares a given object with this Belonging.
protected  Collection doRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier, Collection collection)
          Add relational information to each element in a collection, AND synchronize the collection with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  Map doRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier, Map map)
          Add relational information to each element in a map, AND synchronize the map with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  Belonging doRelationalBindingOnElement(String attributeIdentifier, Belonging value)
          Add relational information to a belonging This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  EJBObject doRelationalBindingOnElement(String attributeIdentifier, EJBObject value)
          Add relational information to an EJBObject This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  Object doRelationalBindingOnElement(String attributeIdentifier, Object value)
          Add relational information to a dependent object.
protected  Belonging doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(String attributeIdentifier, Belonging value)
          Add relational information to a belonging This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  EJBObject doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(String attributeIdentifier, EJBObject ejbObject)
          Add relational information to an EJBObject This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  Object doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(String attributeIdentifier, Object value)
          Add relational information to a dependent object.
protected  Object doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(String attributeIdentifier, Belonging belonging, Object key)
          Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  EJBObject doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(String attributeIdentifier, EJBObject ejbObject, Object key)
          Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  Object doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(String attributeIdentifier, Object object, Object key)
          Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  Collection enumerateRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier, Collection collection)
          Add relational information to each element in a collection, but do not synchronize the collection with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
protected  Map enumerateRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier, Map map)
          Add relational information to each element in a map, but do not synchronize the map with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off
 boolean equals(Object o)
          Indicates whether some other Belonging is equivalent to this Belonging.
 String get__classIdentifier()
          Get class identifier for this object (used to persist subclasses in a single collection or map)
 Belonging get__containingBelonging()
          Get foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
 EJBObject get__containingEntity()
          Get foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
 SmartEntityReference get__containingEntityReference()
 Object get__mapKey()
          get map key
 Long get__sequenceNumber()
          Get the sequencer number
 PersistenceHelperPlugin getPersistenceHelperPlugin()
          Instantiates PersistenceHelperPlugin for this Belonging using properties specified in the Server property file.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code for this Belonging.
protected  void set__classIdentifier(String classIdentifier)
          Derived classes use this to set the class identifier
 void set__containingBelonging(Belonging belonging)
          Provides foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
 void set__containingEntity(EJBObject containingEntity)
          Provides foreign key information about the bean that contains this object
 void set__containingEntityReference(SmartEntityReference smartEntityReference)
 void set__mapKey(Object mapKey)
          Provides map key information
 void setByValue(Belonging belonging)
          Intializes the Belonging based upon a supplied Belonging.
 String toString()
          Returns a String representation of the Belonging.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.beasys.commerce.foundation.Belonging
interfaceName, value

Field Detail


public String __classIdentifier


public Belonging __containingBelonging


public SmartEntityReference __containingEntity


public Object __mapKey


public Long __sequenceNumber


public transient boolean _isDirty
Constructor Detail


public BelongingImpl()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public final void clearRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier,
                                         Collection collection)


public final void clearRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier,
                                         Collection collection,
                                         Object o)


public final void clearRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier,
                                         Map map)


public final void clearRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier,
                                         Map map,
                                         Object key)


public final Object clone()
Returns a shallow copy of the Belonging instance.

Specified by:
clone in interface Belonging
A shallow copy of this Belonging.


public abstract int compareTo(Object o)
Compares a given object with this Belonging.

Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable
o - the Object to be compared.
a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
ClassCastException - if the specified object is not of the same type as this Belonging.


protected final Collection doRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier,
                                               Collection collection)
Add relational information to each element in a collection, AND synchronize the collection with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
collection - the target collection
the input collection


protected final Map doRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier,
                                        Map map)
Add relational information to each element in a map, AND synchronize the map with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
map - the target map
the input map


protected final Belonging doRelationalBindingOnElement(String attributeIdentifier,
                                                       Belonging value)
Add relational information to a belonging This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
the input value, with relational inforamtion added.


protected final EJBObject doRelationalBindingOnElement(String attributeIdentifier,
                                                       EJBObject value)
Add relational information to an EJBObject This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
the input value, with relational information added.


protected final Object doRelationalBindingOnElement(String attributeIdentifier,
                                                    Object value)
Add relational information to a dependent object. This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
value - instance of a dependent object
the input value with relational information added.


protected final Belonging doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(String attributeIdentifier,
                                                         Belonging value)
Add relational information to a belonging This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
the input value, with relational inforamtion added.


protected final EJBObject doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(String attributeIdentifier,
                                                         EJBObject ejbObject)
Add relational information to an EJBObject This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
ejbObject - instance of an EJB object
the input value, with relational information added.


protected final Object doRelationalBindingOnSingleton(String attributeIdentifier,
                                                      Object value)
Add relational information to a dependent object. This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
value - instance of a dependent object
the input value with relational information added.


protected final Object doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(String attributeIdentifier,
                                                     Belonging belonging,
                                                     Object key)
Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
the input collection


protected final EJBObject doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(String attributeIdentifier,
                                                        EJBObject ejbObject,
                                                        Object key)
Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
the input collection


protected final Object doRelationalBindingWithMapKey(String attributeIdentifier,
                                                     Object object,
                                                     Object key)
Add relational information to an element in a map, AND synchronize the element with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
the input collection


protected final Collection enumerateRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier,
                                                      Collection collection)
Add relational information to each element in a collection, but do not synchronize the collection with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
collection - the target collection
the input collection


protected final Map enumerateRelationalBinding(String attributeIdentifier,
                                               Map map)
Add relational information to each element in a map, but do not synchronize the map with the persistence cache This feature is implemented by a plugin and by default is turned off

attributeIdentifier - identifier for an attribute on a bean e.g. examples.buybeans.BeanieHat.numberOfPropellers
map - the target map
the input map


public final boolean equals(Object o)
Indicates whether some other Belonging is equivalent to this Belonging.

Specified by:
equals in interface Belonging
o - the Object to be compared.
true if the supplied Object is equivalent, false otherwise.
ClassCastException - if the specified object is not of the same type as this Belonging.


public String get__classIdentifier()
Get class identifier for this object (used to persist subclasses in a single collection or map)

Specified by:
get__classIdentifier in interface RelationalReference
class identifier for this object.


public Belonging get__containingBelonging()
Get foreign key information about the bean that contains this object

Specified by:
get__containingBelonging in interface RelationalReference
ejbObject remote interface of the containing bean
ClassCastException - source object is not an instance of the remote interface of the containing class.


public EJBObject get__containingEntity()
Get foreign key information about the bean that contains this object

Specified by:
get__containingEntity in interface RelationalReference
ejbObject remote interface of the containing bean


public SmartEntityReference get__containingEntityReference()


public Object get__mapKey()
Description copied from interface: RelationalReference
get map key

Specified by:
get__mapKey in interface RelationalReference
the mak key


public Long get__sequenceNumber()
Get the sequencer number

Specified by:
get__sequenceNumber in interface RelationalReference


public final PersistenceHelperPlugin getPersistenceHelperPlugin()
Instantiates PersistenceHelperPlugin for this Belonging using properties specified in the Server property file. A plugin can be specified on a per Belonging class basis or as a default. This method uses the PersistenceHelperPlugin factory.

PersistenceHelperPlugin specific class that implements PersistenceHelperPlugin or null, if no PersistenceHelperPlugin is specified.


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code for this Belonging.

The hash code for this Belonging.


protected void set__classIdentifier(String classIdentifier)
Derived classes use this to set the class identifier


public void set__containingBelonging(Belonging belonging)
Provides foreign key information about the bean that contains this object

Specified by:
set__containingBelonging in interface RelationalReference


public void set__containingEntity(EJBObject containingEntity)
Provides foreign key information about the bean that contains this object

Specified by:
set__containingEntity in interface RelationalReference
ClassCastException - source object is not an instance of %EntityType%


public void set__containingEntityReference(SmartEntityReference smartEntityReference)


public void set__mapKey(Object mapKey)
Description copied from interface: RelationalReference
Provides map key information

Specified by:
set__mapKey in interface RelationalReference
mapKey - the key if this object is used in a map


public void setByValue(Belonging belonging)
Intializes the Belonging based upon a supplied Belonging.

Specified by:
setByValue in interface Belonging
belonging - The Belonging to use for initialization.


public String toString()
Returns a String representation of the Belonging.

A String representation of the Belonging.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved