© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.foundation.exception

This package contains foundation-level exception.


Interface Summary
MessageCatalogException The MessageCatalogException interface is the interface implemented by all MessageCatalog-aware exceptions.

Exception Summary
ApplicationException The ApplicationException class is used to signal checked business logic exceptions to a caller.
BadInputException BadInputException or sub-classes of BadInputException are to be thrown by classes that implement the InputProcessor interface to signal any bad input.
ConfigurationException A ConfigurationException signals a webflow or pipeline configuration error.
CreateSystemException A CreateSystemException signals a fatal error during resource creation.
DeploymentException DeploymentException is thrown when an EJB is deployed incorrectly such that it will not function correctly.
FatalApplicationException The FatalApplicationException class is used to signal runtime business logic exceptions to a caller.
FinderSystemException A FinderSystemException signals a fatal error locating a resource.
InvalidArgumentException Application exception used to signal that an invalid argument was passed to a method.
InvalidPipelineSessionStateException This exception will be thrown if the state of the PipelineSession is invalid.
NamingSystemException A NamingSystemException signals a fatal error in a resource naming sub-system.
PipelineException Deprecated. Use com.bea.p13n.appflow.exception.PipelineException
PipelineFatalException Deprecated. Use com.bea.p13n.appflow.exception.PipelineException
PipelineNonFatalException Deprecated. Use com.bea.p13n.appflow.exception.PipelineException
ProcessingException This class is the base class for all processing exceptions.
RemoteSystemException A FinderSystemException signals a fatal error within a remote sub-system.
SystemException The SystemException class is used to signal system-level exceptions to a caller.
UnimplementedException UnimplementedException is thrown when a method has not yet been implemented.
WebflowException A WebflowException exception signals a fatal error in the pipeline sub-system.

Package com.beasys.commerce.foundation.exception Description

This package contains foundation-level exception. All exceptions that derive from the exceptions in this package are internationalizable via a message catalog of exception messages.

© 2004 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved