How Do I Localize a Portal?

The WebLogic Administration Portal provides tools to help you localize individual portal resources so that they render in different languages. When you assign a language to a portal resource, you assign the preferred language to the name of that resource. Resources localized in the Portal Library will be propagated through the portals in which they are used.

If the end user's browser supports the selected language, the portal resource is rendered in that language. If the end user's browser does not support that language, the system works through a list of available languages until it finds one that is supported in both your portal and the end user's browser.

To localize portal resources in the WebLogic Administration Portal:

  1. Select Portals under Portal Management in the top Menu in the Editor Pane.
  2. Expand the Library in the Portal Resource tree.
  3. Select the portal resource you want to localize:
  1. Select the Properties tab for the resource.
  2. Select a local from the For the Locale drop-down menu, and click Save Changes.

Adding/Deleting a Locale

If you want to make additional locales available in the For the Locale drop-down menu (for example, ja, fr or en), select Add New Local, enter a name, and click OK. To delete a locale, select a locale from the drop-down menu, and click Delete Locale

Note: For information about localization standards, see

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