© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.bea.content.expression

Interface Summary
PropertyProvider Interface defining a method to return a property value.

Class Summary
CollectionContainsAny An operator for if a collection contains any element of a collection.
ContainedIn An operator for if an object is contained in a list.
DefaultPropertyProvider A generic implementation of a property provider, that supports user, request, session, and event properties.
ExpressionHelper Helper class to handle dealing with content Expressions.
PropertyRef An operator that represents a reference to a property.
RequestPropertyRef An operator that represents a reference to a request property on the right hand side of a content query expression.
Search This represents parameters for searching for Nodes.
SessionPropertyRef An operator that represents a reference to a session property on the right hand side of a content query expression.
SortCriteria A class which handles the sortBy part of a Search.
UserPropertyRef An operator that represents a reference to a user property on the right hand side of a content query expression.

Exception Summary
ExpressionHelper.ParseException Exception to report an error while parsing a query expression.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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