© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class BulkLoader

  extended bycom.bea.content.loader.bulk.BulkLoader
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BulkLoader
extends Object
implements FilenameFilter

The Content Manager bulk loader application.

This class will scan the local file system for files to load via the NodeOps and WorkspaceOps api.

BulkLoader has limited use when loading against a Library Services Enabled Repository. If the content is new (not currently loaded into the BEA Repository) and Library Services is enabled, the content may be loaded. In this case, the lifecyclestatus must be specified in the md.properties, which defines the status the content will be checked in as. All lifecycle actions will operate as if the bulkloader user is a user in the adminn tools. So if a content item is checked in as "Ready" then the assignements will occur. Please review the LifeCycle javadoc for valid statuses, status transitions and how the system operates for each specific transition. Valid transition values (integer values) for BulkLoader md.properties are as follows:

  • 1 = DRAFT
  • 2 = READY
  • 5 = RETIRED

    The type (ObjectClass) for the file along with the values of any required properties must be specified in the metata data properties file. Thus, a type must be defined in the content repository before the bulkloader may load files from the file system.

    A folder will be loaded as a Hierarchy Node and a file will be loaded as a Content Node.

    The actual bytes will be loaded into the primary property (must be defined in the type) and must be of type Binary.

    In order for bulkloader to run, the repository and the application must be passed in as arguments and the server must be running.

    This class is mainly designed to run as a command-line application, via a "java com.bea.content.loader.bulk.BulkLoader" command-line. To see a usage, give it a -h flag or read the Usage.txt in this package.

    Additionally, BulkLoader objects can be created and used to provide the functionality in other places. The lifecycle of a BulkLoader is as follows:

    The base directory that will be loaded may be passed in using the -d paramter. If it is not specified then the current directory "." will be used. Any additional argument will be considered a file/folder to load relative to the base directory, or if an absolute path is specified then it will be used.

    Not calling parseArgs() and validateArgs(), in that order, will cause the BulkLoader object to most likely ungracefully fail. However, once those methods have been invoked, doLoad(), can invoked.

    If manually constructing and utilizing a BulkLoader object, be certain to synchronize all access to the object. Since the command-line program is single-threaded, BulkLoader objects are not thread-safe by design.

    To load the default LoaderFilters, the BulkLoader looks for the com/bea/content/loader/bulk/loader.properties file in the CLASSPATH. From that it reads the list of default LoaderFilter class names from the "loader.defFilters" property. To not use any of the default filters, specify +filters in the command-line args.

    If BulkLoader fails with an out of memory error you should increase your java heap size. You may do this in the bulkloader script by passing -Xms???m into the java call where ??? is the number of megabytes.

    See Also:
    MetaParser, FileCache

    Nested Class Summary
    static class BulkLoader.ShowUsageException
              Quick inner exception thrown on parseArgs() to say we should just print a usage report.
    Field Summary
     String baseDirectory
              The contentBase.
    protected  String batchFileName
              The batch properties file with the user name and password properties
    protected  String DEF_ENCODE_PREFIX
              Encode batch property prefix
    static String DEF_MD_FILE_EXT
              The default file extension for metadata property files.
    static String DEF_MIME_TYPE
              The default mime type.
    static String DEF_WLS_PROPS_PATH
              The default weblogic properties file path.
    protected  String deletePath
              The path of the hierarchy to delete, starting with a "/".
     boolean doMetaParse
              Are we supposed to parse '*.htm' and '*.html' files for META tags.
     String fileEncoding
              The file enconding (null for VM default).
     List fileList
              The list of files/directories to scan over.
     List htmlMatchList
              The list of patterns that represent HTML file names.
     boolean ignoreErrors
              Do we ignore errors.
     List ignoreList
              The list of file name patterns to ignore.
     boolean includeHidden
              Are we supposed to include hidden files and directories.
     boolean inheritProps
              Are we supposed to inherit metadata properties when recursing directories?
    protected  boolean isFileSystem
              Flag indicating whether or not this repository is a filesystem repository
    static String JNDI_FACTORY
              Defines the JNDI context factory.
    protected  String jndiName
              The jndi home for the remote Loader session bean.
     List loaderFilters
              The list of LoaderFilters to try.
     List matchList
              The list of file name patterns to include.
     String mdFileExt
              The file extension of metadata property files.
    protected  Collection metadataNames
              The metadata properties we find along the way.
    protected  long numDocsLoaded
              The number of nodes we've loaded so far.
    protected  String password
              The password for the user of this resource.
     boolean recurse
              Do we recurse over directories?
    protected  String repository
              The Repository to run the BulkLoader against.
    protected  String url
              The WLS instance host where the content manager is running.
    protected  String user
              The user of this resource.
     boolean verbose
              Do we spew out messages.
    Constructor Summary
              Constructor a BulkLoader without command-line arguments.
    BulkLoader(String[] args)
              Construct a BulkLoader from the given command-line arguments.
    Method Summary
     boolean accept(File dir, String name)
              Implement the FilenameFilter interface method to use our match and ignore lists.
     boolean checkFileAttributes(File f)
     void debug(String mesg)
              Out put a debug message.
     void doDelete()
              Do the actual bulk load logic on the file list.
     void doLoad()
              Do the actual bulk load logic on the file list.
     void doLoad(File baseDir, String path, Properties mdProperties)
              Load the given path into the database.
     void error(String mesg)
              Output an error message.
     void error(String mesg, Throwable ex)
              Output an error message.
     void finished()
              Once you are done remove the bean for cleanup
     String fixPath(String path)
              Fix up a path to be forward-slash style and to not have empty path parts.
     Properties getLoaderFilterProperties(File f, Properties p)
              Get the properties from the BulkLoader's LoaderFilters for the given file.
     Properties getMetadataProperties(File base, Properties p)
              Get the metadata properties for the given file or directory.
     void inspectCurrentDirectory(File f, String path, Properties mdProperties)
    static boolean isHidden(File f)
              Check if the specified file is a hidden file.
     boolean isHtmlFile(String name)
              Tell if the specified file name is an HTML file to the loader.
    static boolean isReadableDirectory(String name)
              Check if the specified file name is a directory that we can get into.
     void loadIndividualFile(File f, String path, Properties mdProperties)
    static int main(BulkLoader loader, String[] args)
              The main method invoked on a BulkLoader instance.
    static void main(String[] args)
              Command-line entry point.
     void parseArgs(String[] args)
              Parse the given input arguments.
     void printArgs()
              Prints the arguments as debug statements.
     void processBatchProperties()
     boolean shouldIgnore(String name)
              Tell if the loader should ignore the specified file name.
     boolean shouldInclude(String name)
              Tell if the loader should include the specified file name.
     void usage()
              Print the usage of the application.
     void usage(PrintWriter out)
              Print the usage of the application.
     void validateArgs()
              Validate that we have been passed correct arguments.
     void warning(String mesg)
              Output a warning message.
     void warning(String mesg, Throwable ex)
              Output a warning message.
    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Field Detail


    public String baseDirectory
    The contentBase.


    protected String batchFileName
    The batch properties file with the user name and password properties


    protected String DEF_ENCODE_PREFIX
    Encode batch property prefix


    public static final String DEF_MD_FILE_EXT
    The default file extension for metadata property files.

    See Also:
    Constant Field Values


    public static final String DEF_MIME_TYPE
    The default mime type.

    See Also:
    Constant Field Values


    public static final String DEF_WLS_PROPS_PATH
    The default weblogic properties file path.

    See Also:
    Constant Field Values


    protected String deletePath
    The path of the hierarchy to delete, starting with a "/". The repository must be specified in the -repository argument.


    public boolean doMetaParse
    Are we supposed to parse '*.htm' and '*.html' files for META tags.


    public String fileEncoding
    The file enconding (null for VM default).


    public List fileList
    The list of files/directories to scan over.


    public List htmlMatchList
    The list of patterns that represent HTML file names.


    public boolean ignoreErrors
    Do we ignore errors.


    public List ignoreList
    The list of file name patterns to ignore.


    public boolean includeHidden
    Are we supposed to include hidden files and directories.


    public boolean inheritProps
    Are we supposed to inherit metadata properties when recursing directories?


    protected boolean isFileSystem
    Flag indicating whether or not this repository is a filesystem repository


    public static final String JNDI_FACTORY
    Defines the JNDI context factory.

    See Also:
    Constant Field Values


    protected String jndiName
    The jndi home for the remote Loader session bean.


    public List loaderFilters
    The list of LoaderFilters to try.


    public List matchList
    The list of file name patterns to include.

    Empty to include all.


    public String mdFileExt
    The file extension of metadata property files.

    This should start with a ".".


    protected Collection metadataNames
    The metadata properties we find along the way.


    protected long numDocsLoaded
    The number of nodes we've loaded so far.


    protected String password
    The password for the user of this resource.


    public boolean recurse
    Do we recurse over directories?


    protected String repository
    The Repository to run the BulkLoader against.


    protected String url
    The WLS instance host where the content manager is running. Defaults to "t3://localhost:7001"


    protected String user
    The user of this resource.


    public boolean verbose
    Do we spew out messages.

    Constructor Detail


    public BulkLoader()
    Constructor a BulkLoader without command-line arguments.


    public BulkLoader(String[] args)
               throws IllegalArgumentException
    Construct a BulkLoader from the given command-line arguments.

    IllegalArgumentException - thrown on invalid args
    See Also:
    Method Detail


    public boolean accept(File dir,
                          String name)
    Implement the FilenameFilter interface method to use our match and ignore lists.

    Specified by:
    accept in interface FilenameFilter


    public boolean checkFileAttributes(File f)


    public void debug(String mesg)
    Out put a debug message.

    Subclasses can override this method to change where messages go.


    public void doDelete()
                  throws Exception
    Do the actual bulk load logic on the file list.



    public void doLoad()
                throws Exception
    Do the actual bulk load logic on the file list.



    public void doLoad(File baseDir,
                       String path,
                       Properties mdProperties)
                throws Exception
    Load the given path into the database.

    If path is a directory, all files underneath it that match our patterns will be included. If path is a file, it will be loaded.

    baseDir - the base directory (can be used to get absolute file paths).
    path - the path to the file or directory (this can be multi-part, not just name).
    mdProperties - the base md properties for file (this should be a clone this method can modify as needed).
    SQLException - thrown on a database error.


    public void error(String mesg)
    Output an error message.


    public void error(String mesg,
                      Throwable ex)
    Output an error message.

    Subclasses can override this method to change where messages go.


    public void finished()
                  throws RemoteException,
    Once you are done remove the bean for cleanup



    public String fixPath(String path)
    Fix up a path to be forward-slash style and to not have empty path parts.


    public Properties getLoaderFilterProperties(File f,
                                                Properties p)
    Get the properties from the BulkLoader's LoaderFilters for the given file.

    f - the file.
    p - the properties object to add to (null to create new one).


    public Properties getMetadataProperties(File base,
                                            Properties p)
                                     throws IOException
    Get the metadata properties for the given file or directory.

    This does not do a META data parse.

    base - the file or directory base path.
    p - the properties to load into (null to create new).
    the properties (p if p was not null).
    IOException - on an error reading the properties file.


    public void inspectCurrentDirectory(File f,
                                        String path,
                                        Properties mdProperties)
                                 throws Exception


    public static boolean isHidden(File f)
    Check if the specified file is a hidden file.

    Under UNIX, the File.isHidden() reports that "/weblogicCommerce/dmsBase/." is a hidden file, which it is not. So, this fixes that problem by getting canonicals paths for directories before calling isHidden(). That seems to do the trick.


    public boolean isHtmlFile(String name)
    Tell if the specified file name is an HTML file to the loader.


    public static boolean isReadableDirectory(String name)
    Check if the specified file name is a directory that we can get into.


    public void loadIndividualFile(File f,
                                   String path,
                                   Properties mdProperties)
                            throws Exception


    public static int main(BulkLoader loader,
                           String[] args)
    The main method invoked on a BulkLoader instance.

    This will take a BulkLoader through the bulk loading steps. Output will be sent via the BulkLoader's debug(), warning(), and error() methods.

    This will not call System.exit().

    args - the command-line args.
    the exit code (0 for success, non-zero for failure).
    See Also:
    parseArgs(java.lang.String[]), validateArgs()


    public static void main(String[] args)
    Command-line entry point.

    This will call System.exit() on invalid args or error. To invoke a bulk load from your own code, create and manipulate a BulkLoader object. You can use the other main method, which does not exit.

    args - the command-line args.
    See Also:
    main(com.bea.content.loader.bulk.BulkLoader, java.lang.String[])


    public void parseArgs(String[] args)
                   throws IllegalArgumentException
    Parse the given input arguments.

    args - the input arguments.
    BulkLoader.ShowUsageException - thrown if the caller should show a usage report.
    IllegalArgumentException - thrown on bad arguments.


    public void printArgs()
    Prints the arguments as debug statements.


    public void processBatchProperties()
                                throws Exception


    public boolean shouldIgnore(String name)
    Tell if the loader should ignore the specified file name.


    public boolean shouldInclude(String name)
    Tell if the loader should include the specified file name.


    public void usage()
    Print the usage of the application.


    public void usage(PrintWriter out)
    Print the usage of the application.


    public void validateArgs()
                      throws IllegalStateException
    Validate that we have been passed correct arguments.

    This does not validate that the arguments are valid. That will be done in initialize().



    public void warning(String mesg)
    Output a warning message.


    public void warning(String mesg,
                        Throwable ex)
    Output a warning message.

    Subclasses can override this method to change where messages go.

    © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

    Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved