© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.bea.netuix.application.exception

Exception Summary
DuplicateDefinitionException This exception is thrown when disassembling a portal from a .portal template, and a book or page in the .portal file has the same definition label as a book or page in the database.
DuplicateObjectException This exception is thrown when trying to create an object in the database and a unique key constraint is violated.
IllegalDependencyException This exception is thrown when customizing a portal would cause a recursive dependency.
MissingDataException This exception is thrown when a portal object does not contain information necessary to perform the specified action.
NetuixException This is the base exception class for most portal framework exceptions.
NotEntitledException This exception is thrown when the caller does not have the necessary permissions to take the specified action.
ObjectInUseException This exception is thrown when an attempt to update or delete an object is requested but the object is being used by an end user.
ObjectNotFoundException This exception is thrown when an invalid portal object is encountered when performing some action.
PortalPersistenceSystemException This exception is a general wrapper for other exceptions that occur when performing portal persistence functions such as creating PortalDefinitions, getting DesktopDefinitions, and getting PortletDefinitions.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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