© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Class Instanceof

  extended bycom.bea.p13n.expression.internal.ComplexExpressionImpl
      extended bycom.bea.p13n.expression.operator.Operator
          extended bycom.bea.p13n.expression.operator.Instanceof
All Implemented Interfaces:
BinaryOperator, Cloneable, Expression, com.bea.p13n.expression.ExpressionEvents, Serializable

public final class Instanceof
extends Operator
implements BinaryOperator

Implementation of the Instanceof operator. Returns a Boolean if the Object parameter (which can be an expression) is an instance of a class type.
Input 1: An object or Expression returning an object.
Input 2: A Class or an Expression returning a Class
Returns: A Boolean that is the result of testing the object against the Class.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.bea.p13n.expression.operator.BinaryOperator
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an empty operator and operands can be added later by calling addSubExpression() on this.
Instanceof(Object obj, Class clazz)
          Constructs this by associating the given parameters as operands.
Method Summary
 Object getLeftHandSide()
          Returns left hand side operand of this binary operator.
 Class[] getParameterSignature()
          Returns the parameter signature for this Expression.
 Object getRightHandSide()
          Returns right hand side operand of this binary operator.
 Object getTargetClass()
          Returns Class operand of this operator.
 Object getTargetObject()
          Returns Object operand of this operator.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.expression.operator.Operator
leftHandSide, operand, rightHandSide
Methods inherited from class com.bea.p13n.expression.internal.ComplexExpressionImpl
addListener, addSubExpression, clearCache, clone, createProxyExpression, equals, getCachedValue, getParent, getSource, getSubExpression, getSubExpressionCount, getUserData, hashCode, isCached, isCacheEnabled, isEqualitySubExpression, notifyListeners, removeAllSubExpressions, removeListener, removeSubExpression, removeSubExpression, setCachedValue, setCacheEnabled, setParent, setSource, setSubExpression, setUserData, toString, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Instanceof()
Constructs an empty operator and operands can be added later by calling addSubExpression() on this.


public Instanceof(Object obj,
                  Class clazz)
Constructs this by associating the given parameters as operands.

Method Detail


public Object getLeftHandSide()
Description copied from interface: BinaryOperator
Returns left hand side operand of this binary operator.

Specified by:
getLeftHandSide in interface BinaryOperator
The left hand side operand.


public Class[] getParameterSignature()
Description copied from interface: Expression
Returns the parameter signature for this Expression. Because the sub-expressions within the Expression are typically arguments or operands, some type validation is performed by examining the class types of the sub-expressions against the Expression's parameter signature.
The tests that are performed are:
1. The number of sub-expressions must equals the number of parameter entries.
2. The class type of any sub-expression (or the result of evaluating the sub-expresssion) must equal the class type of the corresponding parameter entry.
3. Any null parameter entries are ignored and are considered optional sub-expressions.

Specified by:
getParameterSignature in interface Expression
the Class array containing the parameter signature.


public Object getRightHandSide()
Description copied from interface: BinaryOperator
Returns right hand side operand of this binary operator.

Specified by:
getRightHandSide in interface BinaryOperator
The left hand side operand.


public Object getTargetClass()
Returns Class operand of this operator.

Object representing a Class operand of this.


public Object getTargetObject()
Returns Object operand of this operator.

Object An Object or Expression that is used as an Object operand of this.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved