© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.bea.p13n.usermgmt

Interface Summary
GroupManager Deprecated. See method level Javadoc and com.bea.p13n.security.management.authentication.AtnManagerProxy
GroupManagerHome Deprecated. Use com.bea.p13n.security.management.authentication.AtnManagerProxy
UserManager Deprecated. See method level Javadoc and com.bea.p13n.security.management.authentication.AtnManagerProxy
UserManagerConstants Deprecated. no longer needed since 8.1
UserManagerHome Deprecated. Use com.bea.p13n.security.management.authentication.AtnManagerProxy

Class Summary
RealmHelper Utility methods for migrating from 6.x realm to 7.0 mbeans.

Exception Summary
AuthenticationException Application exception class that will be thrown when a given username and password are not valid.
GroupAlreadyExistsException Application exception class that will be thrown when an attempt is made to create a group that already exists.
InvalidGroupnameException Application exception class that will be thrown when an attempt is made to create a group with an invalid name
InvalidPasswordException Application exception class that will be thrown when an attempt is made to create a user with an invalid password.
InvalidUsernameException Application exception class that will be thrown when an attempt is made to create a user with an invalid username
UserAlreadyExistsException Application exception class that will be thrown when an attempt is made to create a user that already exists.
UserManagementException System exception class that will be thrown when a low-level error occurs in the user management system.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved