© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog

This package is the main end-user package for Product Catalog development.


Interface Summary
CatalogItem This is the base interface for all items contained by the Catalog.
CatalogManager The CatalogManager is the main entry point to the Product Catalog.
CatalogManagerHome The home interface for the CatalogManager Session EJB.
CatalogRequest This interface is the common input record to catalog services that return catalog data.
Category This is the interface for all categories contained by the Catalog.
ImageInfo The ImageInfo class is used to store information related to images for product items and categories.
InventoryInfo The InventoryInfo class is used to track simple inventory information for product items.
JspInfo The JspInfo class is used to track display related attributes for product items and categories.
MutableCatalogItem This is the base mutable interface for all items contained by the Catalog.
MutableCategory This is the mutable interface for all categories contained by the Catalog.
MutableProductItem This is the mutable interface for all product items contained by the Catalog.
ProductItem This is the interface for all product items contained by the Catalog.
View A View is a window onto a large result set.
ViewIterator A ViewIterator is an iterator over large result sets that are broken into a series of Views.

Class Summary
CatalogFactory Factory class to create Catalog-related objects.
CatalogItemImpl This is the implementation class for all items contained by the Catalog.
CatalogItemIterator The CatalogItemIterator is an abstract base class that all catalog iterators must extend.
CatalogItemKey This class is the base class for keys used to look-up CatalogItems (Products and Categories).
CatalogItemView A CatalogItemView is a window onto a large CatalogItem result set.
CatalogManagerImpl The implementation class for the CatalogManager Session EJB.
CatalogRequestImpl This is the implementation class for the common input record to catalog services that return catalog data.
CategoryImpl This is the implementation class for all categories contained by the Catalog.
CategoryKey The CategoryKey class is used to index and retrieve Category objects.
ImageInfoHome The home class for the ImageInfo belonging.
ImageInfoImpl Implementation class for ImageInfo interface.
InventoryInfoHome The home class for the InventoryInfo belonging.
InventoryInfoImpl Implementation class for the InventoryInfo interface.
JspInfoHome The home class for the JspInfo belonging.
JspInfoImpl The implementation class for the JspInfo interface.
MutableCatalogItemImpl This is the mutable implementation class for all mutable items contained by the Catalog.
MutableCategoryImpl This is the implementation class for all mutable categories contained by the Catalog.
MutableProductItemImpl This is the implentation class for all mutable product items contained by the Catalog.
ProductItemImpl This is the implementation class for all product items contained by the Catalog.
ProductItemKey The ProductItemKey class is a unique identifier for product items in the catalog.

Exception Summary
CatalogCreateException Indicates an error during CatalogItem creation.
CatalogDeploymentException CatalogDeploymentException is thrown when an EJB is deployed incorrectly such that it will not function correctly.
CatalogException The base exception class for all catalog-related service exceptions.
CatalogFinderException Indicates an error finding a catalog item.
CatalogOperationNotAuthorizedException CatalogOperationNotAuthorizedException is thrown when a catalog operation is attempted which is not permitted.
CatalogRemoveException Indicates an error during catalog item remove.
CatalogRootException CatalogRootException is thrown when a catalog operation is attempted on the Root category which is not permitted.
CategoryStructureCorruptException CategoryStructureCorruptException indicates that the hierarchical structure of the catalog appears to have been corrupted.
CategoryStructureException CategoryStructureException indicates a system error related to the structure of the category hierarchy.
NoSuchViewException Indicates that a nonexistant View was requested from a ViewIterator.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog Description

This package is the main end-user package for Product Catalog development. It contains all the commonly accessed classes for accessing both Product Items and Categories.

© 2005 BEA Systems, Inc.

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