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Rebranding the Administration Portal

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Rebranding the Administration Portal

You can update the appearance of the WebLogic Administration Portal (included with WebLogic Portal) by changing images (.gif and .jpg files) and cascading style sheets (the .css file). You can also update the text displayed on the login screen by updating the file. This feature allows you to make your implementation of the Administration Portal reflect your company identity or your specific personalization needs.

This document describes how to make these changes and then deploy the updated files. It is organized into these four steps:


Step 1: Locate the Portal Branding Files

Editable versions of the necessary files are located in:


Below are instructions for installing your versions of these files in an adminPortal.war file (a web application archive of the WebLogic Administration Portal).


Step 2: Modify the Files

Once you've located the files, you can change them as necessary to fit your needs, so long as you stay within the following guidelines when modifying them. If you do not follow these guidelines, you risk breaking the functionality in the WebLogic Administration Portal.

Warning: Do not rename any of the files; renamed files will be ignored during browser rendering, resulting in missing information.


Step 3: Preview Changes

You can easily preview the changes to many images and CSS styles without updating or redeploying the adminPortal.war file by viewing the previewChanges.htm file. This file is located at:


and uses the local images and CSS file. It will show any changes you made that affect those files. Simply open previewChanges.htm in a browser to preview many of your changes, depending upon which CSS styles you are using.

Not all of the CSS styles are used in the default previewChanges.htm. Far too many CSS styles are available to list exactly what you might and might not see when you preview the changes. The default page shows just the most common styles.

The floating palette that appears when you open previewChanges.htm, illustrated in Figure 1, displays the CSS class name used on the element directly under the mouse pointer. To highlight the element identified under CSS Class Name:, select Highlight current element.

Figure 1 Preview Changes Floating Palette

Preview Changes Floating Palette



Step 4: Install the Updated Files

This section describes the steps required to install updated files into adminPortal.war. These procedures are described in:

Please read Before Installing Updated Files before proceeding with the installation.

Before Installing Updated Files

Before attempting to install the updated files, review the following prerequisites:

Installing the Updated CSS and Image Files

To install and update the CSS and image files, use this procedure:

  1. From a command prompt, navigate to:
  2. <bea_home>\weblogic81\portal\lib\adminPortalBranding
  3. Enter the following command (where pathToWarFile is the path to your targeted adminPortal.war file):
  4. jar uvf pathToWarFile framework/*

    For example, to update:


    you would enter the command:

    jar uvf ..\..\..\..\user_projects\applications\myApp\adminPortal.war 
  5. If your server is running, you will need to use the WebLogic Server Console to redeploy the web application for your changes to be picked up.

Installing the Updated Properties File

To install the updated properties file, use this procedure:

  1. From a command prompt, navigate to:
  2. <bea_home>\weblogic81\portal\lib\adminPortalBranding
  3. Enter the following command (where pathToWarFile is the path to your targeted adminPortal.war file):
  4. jar uvf pathToWarFile

    For example, to update:


    You would enter the command:

    jar uvf ..\..\..\..\user_projects\applications\myApp\adminPortal.war

4. Deploy the newly updated web application.


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