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WebLogic Portlets for SAP and SAP HRMS User Guide

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WebLogic Portlets for SAP and SAP HRMS User Guide

This guide, which shows you how to use the WebLogic Portlets for SAP, includes the following sections:


WebLogic Portlets for SAP Introduction

Since the dawn of World Wide Web users have been accessing one Web page at a time. And that's been just fine. At first, excitement over the ability to provide platform-agnostic content to all users with network access or an Internet connection overshadowed any drawbacks or inadequacies with the new technology. Later, emerging technologies such as Java, JavaScript, and application servers provided application functionality, usability, stability, and performance improvements that have been the mainstay of Internet computing.

Now organizations need more. They want to not only surface their legacy applications, processes, and data in a Web interface, but they want to be able to do so more than one page at a time. They want portals.

A portal is a powerful Web site that gives users a single point of access to applications and information in a unified interface. A portal lets users view each application or Web page in its own window, called a portlet, and a single browser window can contain multiple portlets. For example, a portal page can contain portlets for logging in, searching, displaying news feeds, and managing appointments with a calendar application, as shown in the following Figure.

Figure 1 Portal desktop Screen

Portal desktop Screen



Portlets are arranged or grouped on portal pages, and users can easily navigate among pages with page tabs, drop-down menus, or other mechanisms to access the portlets they want. The portal in Figure 1 contains three pages: Home, My Workspace, and HR, whose links appear just above the Login portlet.

SAP R/3- WebLogic Portlets for SAP automates change and product content propagation related business processes that span across SAP R/3 and WebLogic Portlets for SAP.

Business Goals of WebLogic Portlets for SAP

Business Requirements addressed by WebLogic Portlets for SAP at a high level are:

Key Features of WebLogic Portlets for SAP

Key design goals of WebLogic Portlets for SAP are:

WebLogic Portlets for SAP supports the following business processes:

Table 1 List of business processes for BEA WebLogic Portlets 


Business Process


Sales Orders

(View, Edit, Create and Delete)


Shipping Status (View, Edit and Delete)


Material Availability (View)


Billing Document List (View)


Customer List with Addresses (info)

(View and Edit)


Customer Bank Details (View)


List of Customer Contact Persons (View)


Credit Details of Customer Account (View)


List Service Notifications (View)


Customer Balances by Fiscal Period (View)


RMA (View, Edit and Delete)


Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Definitions

Table 2 List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Definitions for BEA WebLogic Portlets




Business Application Programming Interface


Enterprise Resource Planning


Return Material Authorization


Supported Platforms

Process Flow

Follow the steps given below to complete the flow from BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 to SAP Applications through WebLogic Portlets for SAP.

  1. Start the web server.
  2. Logon to WebLogic Portlets for SAP (Optional).
  3. Viewing, Editing, and Deleting the Sales Orders, and so on, that are created from WebLogic Portlets for SAP and, which are to be transferred to SAP Applications instance.

Once the Sales Order is created successfully you can view the details in the SAP Applications instance.


Getting Started with WebLogic Portlets for SAP

Open Internet Explorer and type in the following URL:

http://< WebLogic Portlets for SAPServer>:<port>/<project name>(example beaportal)/<Portal file> (example BEAPortalNet.portal).

And the login page appears.

Note: The parameters in the URL are to be replaced by actual values.

Login Portlet

The login screen is used to authenticate the user. Only those users who have a valid authentication are allowed to login.

Figure 2 WebLogic Portlets for SAP Login Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP Login Screen




Enter Username to log into the WebLogic Portlets for SAP.


Enter the Password details. The user may note that the password details entered are not visible instead an asterisk (*) is displayed for each and every keystroke entered by the user. Since, this field is case sensitive the user should ensure that the Caps Lock key is set to off mode from the keyboard.

Sign In

Click on Sign In after the Username and Password details are entered to successfully login to WebLogic Portlets for SAP.

In order to log into WebLogic Portlets for SAP system, the user should be of one of the following user type:

It is advised that the user refer to the BEA WebLogic Portlet Administration Guide. The guide details how to create a user, group assign privileges, and so on.

The privileges, which are available for an Administrator, are not available to Employee and Customer. The details displayed on the Portlets vary depending on the user type selected.

In this user guide we will select the user type as Employee, which will contain all the privileges of a Customer and some more details as compared to a Customer.

After successfully logging into the WebLogic Portlets for SAP a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 3 List of Portlets for the WebLogic Portlets for SAP Screen

List of Portlets for the WebLogic Portlets for SAP Screen



Use scroll bar to navigate through the Portlets. The following is the list of Portlets for the WebLogic Portlets for SAP:

The Portlets are discussed in the following pages. We begin with List of Customers Portlet:


List of Customers Portlet

The operations that can be performed from the List of Customers Portlet are:

Note: The user may note that the List of Customers Portlet is the first Portlet displayed after valid authentication.

Viewing an existing Customer details

Select and click Customer Number to view details for the required Customer from the Customer# column. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 4 WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Customer #, Customer Name, Telephone #, Street, City, Region, country, Postal Code and Fax, which are self explanatory from the above displayed screen.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed for List of Customers Portlet. Action buttons available are: Edit (Customer Information like address etc.,), Maximize, Minimize, and Close. Edit preferences for the List of Customers Portlet.

Click on Edit preferences hyperlink. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 5 WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Edit Preferences Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Edit Preferences Portlet Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Customers matching the search criteria are populated in the Customer Name drop down box.


Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the List of Customer portlet will only display the first few records (as per this setting) and the user can then navigate through rest of the records using Previous and Next buttons, which are available at the bottom left of the List of Customer portlet.

Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close. Click Back hyperlink to quit from the edit preferences screen.

Click the Customer Name hyperlink to view details for the required Customer. And the SAP screen for the Customer Data is displayed.

Figure 6 WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers - SAP Customer details Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers - SAP Customer details Screen


The fields displayed are self explanatory. After viewing the details click on close to quit from the SAP screen.

Viewing an existing Customer

Click on Customer Number in List of Customers portlet (refer to the screen mentioned below) to view details for the required Customer from the Customer# column.

Figure 7 WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Portlet Screen



Click the Edit icon (pencil icon) to update the details.

Figure 8 WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Portlet-Update Customer Info Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Portlet-Update Customer Info Screen


The fields displayed are self explanatory. The only field, which cannot be updated, is Name. Once the changes are updated, click Submit. After validation a confirmation message screen as illustrated in the following screen is displayed along with the updated details:

Figure 9 WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Portlet - Update Successful Message Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Portlet - Update Successful Message Screen


Click Home hyperlink and the control is returned back to the following screen:

Figure 10 WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP List of Customers Portlet Screen


The above displayed List of Customers portlet will display the updated details. In order to verify whether or not the changes are updated use Previous and Next buttons, which are available at the bottom left of the List of Customer portlet.


Sales Order Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Sales Order Portlet:

Note: The user may note that the Sales Order Portlet is the first Portlet displayed after valid authentication.

Viewing an Existing Sales Order

In order to view details for an existing Sales Order scroll to the Sales Order Portlet a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 11 WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Portlet Screen


Click the Sales Order # hyperlink to view details for the required Sales Order. And the SAP screen for the selected Sales Order is displayed.

Figure 12 WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Portlet - SAP Sales Order details Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Portlet - SAP Sales Order details Screen


The fields displayed are self-explanatory. After viewing the details click close to quit from the SAP screen.

Viewing an existing Customer

In order to view details for an existing Customer scroll to the Sales Order Portlet a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 13 WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Portlet Screen


Click the Customer Name hyperlink to view details for the required Customer. And the SAP screen for the selected Customer is displayed.

Figure 14 WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Portlet - SAP Customer details Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Portlet - SAP Customer details Screen


The fields displayed are self-explanatory. After viewing the details click Close to quit from the SAP screen.

To Edit / Update an existing Sales Order Shipping Status

In order to update details for the Sales Order Shipping Status scroll to the Sales Order Portlet and then click Status hyperlink. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 15 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen displays Sales Order Shipping Status details pertaining to the selected Sales Order in the Sales Order Shipping Status portlet.

The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Sales Document, Item #, Material, Order Quantity, Sales Unit, Net Value, Currency, Req Delivery Date, Delivery Status and Quantity Delivered, which are self explanatory.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed from Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet. Action buttons available are: Edit, Delete, Maximize and Minimize.

Click the Edit icon (pencil icon) to update the Sales Order Shipping Status details.

Figure 16 WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - SO details Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - SO details Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Materials matching the search criteria are populated in the Material drop down box.

Sales Order Number

This field displays the Sales Order Number. This field is not updatable.

Line Number

This field displays the Line Number attached to the Sales Order. This field is not updatable.

Ordered Quantity

This field displays the ordered quantity. This field is updatable.

Once the changes are updated, click Submit. After validation a confirmation message screen as illustrated in the following screen is displayed:

Figure 17 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - SO details Update Successful Message Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - SO details Update Successful Message Screen


The above displayed screen confirms the update.

Adding a new line item for the Sales Order Shipping Status

In order to add a new line item details for the Sales Order Shipping Status. Scroll to the Sales Order Portlet and then click Status hyperlink. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 18 WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet Screen


Click Add New Line Item hyperlink from the Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 19 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - Add new Line Item Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - Add new Line Item Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Materials matching the search criteria are populated in the Material drop down box.


Material description can be selected from the drop down list. Click on the drop down list and a list of valid material descriptions are displayed. Select the required description.

Ordered Quantity

Enter the required ordered quantity.

Sales Order Number

This field displays the Sales Order Number. This field is not updatable.

After entering the details, click Submit. After validation a confirmation message screen as illustrated in the following screen is displayed:

Figure 20 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - Addition of new Line Item confirmation message Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - Addition of new Line Item confirmation message Screen


The above displayed screen confirms addition of new line item.

Deleting an existing Sales Order Shipping Status

To delete details for the Sales Order Shipping Status scroll to the Sales Order Portlet and then click Status hyperlink a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 21 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen displays Sales Order Shipping Status details pertaining to the selected Sales Order in the Sales Order Shipping Status portlet.

The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Sales Document, Item #, Material, Order Quantity, Sales Unit, Net Value, Currency, Req Delivery Date, Delivery Status and Quantity Delivered, which are self explanatory.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed from Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet. Action buttons available are: Edit, Delete, Maximize and Minimize.

Click the Delete icon (trash can icon) To delete Sales Order Shipping Status details.

Figure 22 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - Deleting a Line Item Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - Deleting a Line Item Screen



Sales Order Number

Displays the Sales Order Number.

Line / Item Number

Displays the Line Number attached to the Sales Order.

Item / Material Name

This field displays the existing material description.

To delete the selected Sales Order Shipping Status Line Item click on the "Yes" hyperlink.

After validation a confirmation message screen as illustrated in the following screen is displayed:

Figure 23 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - Deletion of a Line Item Confirmation Message Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Shipping Status Portlet - Deletion of a Line Item Confirmation Message Screen


The above displayed screen confirms the deletion.

Creating a new Sales Order

In order to create a new Sales Order scroll to the Sales Order Portlet a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 24 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet Screen


Click Create Sales Order hyperlink from the Sales Order Portlet a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 25 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet - Addition of new Sales Order Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet - Addition of new Sales Order Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Materials matching the search criteria are populated in the Material drop down box.


Material description can be selected from the drop down list. Click on the drop down list and a list of valid material descriptions are displayed. Select the required description.

Ordered Quantity

Enter the required ordered quantity.

After entering the details, click Submit. After validation a confirmation message screen as illustrated in the following screen is displayed:

Figure 26 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet - Addition of new Sales Order confirmation message Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet - Addition of new Sales Order confirmation message Screen


The above displayed screen confirms Sales Order creation.

Preferences for the Sales Order

Click on Edit preferences hyperlink from the Sales Order Portlet. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 27 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet - Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet - Edit Preferences Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Customers matching the search criteria are populated in the Customer Name drop down box.

From Date and To Date entry is not mandatory; this will reduce the number of rows to be retrieved.


Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the List of Customer portlet will only display the first few records (as specified for maxrows) and the user can then navigate for rest of the records using Previous and Next buttons, which are available at the bottom left of the List of Customer portlet.

Action button available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close.

Click Back hyperlink to quit from the edit preferences screen.

Deleting a Sales Order

In order to delete details for the Sales Order scroll to the Sales Order Portlet as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 28 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Sales Order #, PO #, Order Date, Delivery Date, Status, Amount, Currency and Customer Name.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed from Sales Order Portlet. Action buttons available are: Delete, Maximize and Minimize and Edit preferences.

Click the Delete icon to delete Sales Order details.

Figure 29 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet - Delete Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet - Delete Screen


To delete the selected Sales Order, click on the "Yes" hyperlink.

After validation a confirmation message screen as illustrated in the following screen is displayed:

Figure 30 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet - Deletion of Sales Order confirmation message Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Sales Order Portlet - Deletion of Sales Order confirmation message Screen


The above displayed screen confirms the deletion.


Return Order Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Return Order Portlet:

Viewing an existing Return Order

In order to view details for an existing Return Order scroll to the Return Order Portlet a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 31 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Return Order #, PO #, Order Date, Delivery Date, Status, Amount, Currency, Customer # and Customer Name, which are self explanatory from the above displayed screen.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed for Return Order Portlet. Action buttons available are: Delete, Details, Maximize, Minimize, and Close. Edit preferences for Return Order Portlet.

Click on Edit preferences hyperlink. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 32 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Edit Preferences Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Edit Preferences Portlet Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Customers matching the search criteria are populated in the Customer Name drop down box.


Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Return Order portlet will only display the first few records (as specified for maxrows) and the user can then navigate for rest of the records using Previous and Next buttons, which are available at the bottom left of the Return Order portlet.

Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close.

Click Back hyperlink to quit from the edit preferences screen.

Click the Details button from the Return Order Portlet in order to view details pertaining to that particular Return Order. A screen as illustrated below is displayed:

Figure 33 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Details Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Details Screen


The above displayed screen displays Return Order details for the selected Return Order in the Return Order portlet.

The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Return Order #, Item #, Material, Order Quantity, Sales Unit, Net Value, Currency, Req Delivery Date, Delivery Status and Quantity Delivered, which are self explanatory.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed from Return Order portlet. Action buttons available are: Edit, Delete, Maximize, Minimize and Close.

Click the Edit icon to update Return Order details. A screen as illustrated below is displayed:

Figure 34 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet -Edit Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet -Edit Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Material matching the search criteria are populated in the Material drop down box.

The fields Material and Ordered Quantity are only updatable.


This field displays the material description. This field is updatable.

Return Order Number

This field displays the Return Order Number. This field is not updatable.

Line Number

This field displays the Line Number attached to the Return Order. This field is not updatable.

Ordered Quantity

This field displays the ordered quantity. This field is updatable.

Once the changes are updated, click Submit. After validation a confirmation message screen as illustrated in the following screen is displayed:

Figure 35 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet -Edit Confirmation Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet -Edit Confirmation Screen


The above displayed screen confirms the update.

Adding a new line item for the Return Order Shipping Status

In order to add a new line item details for the Return Order scroll to the Return Order Portlet.

Click the Details button from the Return Order Portlet in order to view details pertaining to that particular Return Order. A screen as illustrated below is displayed:

Figure 36 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Details Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Details Screen


Click Add New Line Item hyperlink from the Return Order portlet a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 37 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet -Add New Item Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet -Add New Item Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Material matching the search criteria are populated in the Material drop down box.

The fields Material and Ordered Quantity are only updatable.


Material description can be selected from the drop down list. Click on the drop down list and a list of valid material descriptions are displayed. Select the required description.

Return Order Number

This field displays the Return Order Number. This field is not updatable.

Ordered Quantity

Enter the required ordered quantity.

After entering the details, click Submit. After validation a confirmation message screen as illustrated in the following screen is displayed:

Figure 38 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet -Add Confirmation Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet -Add Confirmation Screen


The above displayed screen confirms addition of new line item.

Deleting an existing Line Item

In order to delete details for the Return Order Shipping Status scroll to the Return Order Portlet and then click Status hyperlink a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 39 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Details Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Details Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Return Order #, Item #, Material, Order Quantity, Sales Unit, Net Value, Currency, Req. Delivery Date, Delivery Status and Quantity Delivered.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed from Return Order Portlet. Action buttons available are: Delete, Edit, Maximize, Minimize, and Close. Edit preferences.

Click the Delete icon to delete Return Order details.

Figure 40 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Delete Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Delete Screen


Return Order Number

Displays the Return Order Number.

Line / Item Number

Displays the Line Number attached to the Return Order.

Item / Material Name

Displays the material description.

To delete the selected Return Order, click on the "Yes" hyperlink.

After validation a confirmation message screen as illustrated in the following screen is displayed:

Figure 41 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Item Delete confirmation Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Item Delete confirmation Screen


The above displayed screen confirms the deletion.

Deleting a Return Order

In order to delete details for the Return Order scroll to the Return Order Portlet as illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 42 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Details Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Details Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Return Order #, PO #, Order Date, Delivery Date, Status, Amount, Currency and Customer Name.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed from Return Order Portlet. Action buttons available are: Delete, Details, Maximize, Minimize, and Close. Edit preferences.

Click the Delete icon to delete Return Order details.

Figure 43 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Delete Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Delete Screen


To delete, click on the "Yes" hyperlink.

After validation a confirmation message screen as illustrated in the following screen is displayed:

Figure 44 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Delete Confirmation Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Return Order Portlet - Delete Confirmation Screen


The above displayed screen confirms the deletion.


List of Customer Contact Persons Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the List of Customer Contact Persons Portlet:

List of Customer Contact Persons

In order to view details for List of Customer Contact Persons scroll to the List of Customer Contact Persons portlet. And a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 45 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Customer Contact Persons Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Customer Contact Persons Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Contact Person #, Last Name, First Name, Gender, Language, Telephone # and Customer #, which are self explanatory from the above displayed screen.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed for List of Customer Contact Persons portlet. Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close. Edit preferences for List of Customer Contact Persons portlet.

Click on Edit preferences hyperlink. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 46 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Customer Contact Persons Portlet Edit preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Customer Contact Persons Portlet Edit preferences Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Customers matching the search criteria are populated in the Customer Name drop down box.


Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the List of Customer Contact Persons portlet will only display the first few records and the user can then navigate for rest of the records using Previous and Next buttons, which are available at the bottom left of the List of Customer Contact Persons portlet.

Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close.

Click Back hyperlink to quit from the edit preferences screen.

Viewing an existing Customer Contact Person

In order to view details for List of Customer Contact Persons scroll to the List of Customer Contact Persons portlet. And a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 47 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Customer Contact Persons Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Customer Contact Persons Portlet Screen


Click the Contact Person # hyperlink to view details for the required Contact Person. And the SAP screen for the Contact Person is displayed.

Figure 48 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Customer Contact Persons SAP Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Customer Contact Persons SAP Screen


The fields displayed are self-explanatory. After viewing the details click Close to quit from the SAP screen.


Credit Details of Customer Account Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Credit Details of Customer Account Portlet:

Credit Details of Customer Account

In order to view details for Credit Details of a Customer account scroll to the Credit Details of Customer Account portlet. And a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 49 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Credit Details of Customer Account Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Credit Details of Customer Account Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Account, Credit Limit, Total Receivables, Credit Exposure, Currency, Risk Type, Indicator, Review Due On and Secured Receivables, which are self explanatory from the above displayed screen.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed for Credit Details of Customer Account portlet. Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close. Edit preferences for Credit Details of Customer Account portlet.

Click on Edit preferences hyperlink. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 50 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Credit Details of Customer Account Portlet Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Credit Details of Customer Account Portlet Edit Preferences Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Customers matching the search criteria are populated in the Customer Name drop down box.


Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Credit Details of Customer Account portlet will only display the first few records and the user can then navigate for rest of the records using Previous and Next buttons, which are available at the bottom left of the Credit Details of Customer Account portlet.

Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close.

Click Back hyperlink to quit from the edit preferences screen.

Viewing an existing Credit Details of a Customer

In order to view details for Credit Details of a Customer account scroll to the Credit Details of Customer Account portlet. And a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 51 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Credit Details of Customer Account Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Credit Details of Customer Account Portlet Screen


Click the Account hyperlink to view Credit details for the required Customer. And the SAP screen for the Customer is displayed.

Figure 52 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Credit Details of Customer Account SAP Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Credit Details of Customer Account SAP Screen


The fields displayed are self-explanatory. After viewing the details click Close to quit from the SAP screen.


Customer Balances by Fiscal Period Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Customer Balances by Fiscal Period Portlet:

Customer Balances by Fiscal Period

In order to view Customer Balances by Fiscal Period scroll to the Customer Balances by Fiscal Period portlet. And a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 53 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Balances by Fiscal Period Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Balances by Fiscal Period Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Customer #, Financial Year, Month, Total Transaction Amount, Carry Forward, Balance and Total, which are self explanatory from the above displayed screen.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed for Customer Balances by Fiscal Period portlet. Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close. Edit preferences for Customer Balances by Fiscal Period portlet.

Click on Edit preferences hyperlink. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 54 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Balances by Fiscal Period Portlet Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Balances by Fiscal Period Portlet Edit Preferences Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Customers matching the search criteria are populated in the Customer Name drop down box.


Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Customer Balances by Fiscal Period portlet will only display the first few records and the user can then navigate for rest of the records using Previous and Next buttons, which are available at the bottom left of the Customer Balances by Fiscal Period portlet.

Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close.

Click Back hyperlink to quit from the edit preferences screen.

Viewing an existing Customer Balances by Fiscal Period

In order to view details for Customer Balances by Fiscal Period scroll to the Customer Balances by Fiscal Period portlet. And a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 55 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Balances by Fiscal Period Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Balances by Fiscal Period Portlet Screen


Click the Customer # hyperlink to view Customer Balances by Fiscal Period details for the required Customer. And the SAP screen for the Customer is displayed.

Figure 56 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Balances by Fiscal Period Portlet Customer SAP Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Balances by Fiscal Period Portlet Customer SAP Screen


The fields displayed are self-explanatory. After viewing the details click Close to quit from the SAP screen.


Customer Bank Details Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Customer Bank Details Portlet:

Customer Bank Details

In order to view Customer Bank details scroll to the Customer Bank portlet. And a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 57 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Bank Details Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Bank Details Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Customer #, Country Code, Bank Code, Account #, Authorized Collection Agent, Reference and Partner Type, which are self explanatory from the above displayed screen.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed for Customer Bank Details portlet. Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close. Edit preferences for Customer Bank Details portlet.

Click on Edit preferences hyperlink. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 58 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Bank Details Portlet Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Customer Bank Details Portlet Edit Preferences Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Customers matching the search criteria are populated in the Customer Name drop down box.


Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Customer Bank Details portlet will only display the first few records and the user can then navigate for rest of the records using Previous and Next buttons, which are available at the bottom left of the Customer Bank Details portlet.

Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close.

Click Back hyperlink to quit from the edit preferences screen.


List of Billing Documents Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the List of Billing Documents Portlet:

List of Billing Documents

In order to view list of billing documents details scroll to the List of Billing Documents portlet. And a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 59 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Billing Documents Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Billing Documents Portlet Screen


As illustrated in the above screen, it is mandatory that the user should click Status hyperlink.

Scroll to the Sales Order Portlet and then click Status hyperlink.

Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close. Edit preferences for Credit Details of Customer Account portlet.

Click on Edit preferences hyperlink. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 60 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Billing Documents Portlet Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Billing Documents Portlet Edit Preferences Screen



Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the List of Billing Documents portlet will only display the first few records and the user can then navigate for rest of the records using Previous and Next buttons, which are available at the bottom left of the List of Billing Documents portlet.

Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close.

Click Back hyperlink to quit from the edit preferences screen.

To View List of Documents

In order to view document details scroll to the Sales Order Portlet and then click Status hyperlink. And then again scroll back to the List of Billing Documents. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 61 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Billing Documents Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Billing Documents Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Billing Document #, Net Value, Tax Value, Currency, Status and Cancelled Status, which are self explanatory from the above displayed screen.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed for List of Billing Documents portlet. Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close. Edit preferences for List of Billing Documents portlet.

Click the Billing Document # hyperlink to view billing item details. And the SAP screen is displayed as follows.

Figure 62 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Billing Documents Portlet Billing SAP Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List of Billing Documents Portlet Billing SAP Screen


The fields displayed are self-explanatory. After viewing the details click Close to quit from the SAP screen.


Material Availability Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Material Availability Portlet:

Material Availability

In order to view details for material availability scroll to the Material Availability portlet. And a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 63 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Material Availability Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Material Availability Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Details Pertaining to Material, Required Date, Available Stock, and committed Date, which are self explanatory from the above displayed screen.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed for Material Availability portlet. Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize and Edit preferences for Material Availability portlet.

Click on Edit preferences hyperlink. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 64 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Material Availability Portlet Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - Material Availability Portlet Edit Preferences Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Material matching the search criteria are populated in the Material drop down box.


Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Material Availability portlet will only display the first few records and the user can then navigate for rest of the records using Previous and Next buttons, which are available at the bottom left of the Material Availability portlet.

Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize, and Close.

Click Back hyperlink to quit from the edit preferences screen.


List Of Service Notifications Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the List Service Notifications Portlet:

List Of Service Notifications

In order to view list of service notifications scroll to the List Of Service Notifications portlet. And a screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 65 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List Of Service Notifications Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List Of Service Notifications Portlet Screen


The above displayed screen can be divided into two parts:

The first part contains details like: Customer, Priority Type, Notification Date, Notification Time, Notification Type and Completion, which are self explanatory from the above displayed screen.

The second part can be categorized as the actions that can be performed for List Of Service Notifications portlet. Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize and Edit preferences for List Of Service Notifications portlet.

Click on Edit preferences hyperlink. A screen as illustrated in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 66 WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List Of Service Notifications Portlet Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP - List Of Service Notifications Portlet Edit Preferences Screen


Use any one of the following in the search criteria:

The list of Customers matching the search criteria are populated in the Customer Name drop down box.

Enter Notification Date

From the above displayed screen the field Enter Notification Date now contains the date format as: YYYYMMDD


Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the List Of Service Notifications portlet will only display the first few records and the user can then navigate for rest of the records using Previous and Next buttons, which are available at the bottom left of the List Of Service Notifications portlet.

Action buttons available are: Maximize, Minimize and

Click Back hyperlink to quit from the edit preferences screen.


WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS Introduction

Business Goals of WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS

Business Requirements addressed by WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS at a high level are:

Key Features of WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS

Key design goals of WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS are:

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS supports the following business processes:

Table 3 List of business processes for BEA WebLogic Portlets SAP HRMS 


Business Process


Employee Personal Data (Update and View)


Employee Expenses (View)


Employee Emergency Address (Create and View)


Employee Bank Details (Create and View)


Employee Family Member-Dependents (View)


Employee Health Benefits (View)


Employee Insurance Benefits (View)


Employee Permanent Address Details (Create and View)


Employee Mailing Address (Create and View)


Employee Pay Checks (View)


Supported Platforms

Product Life Cycle Management Applications

Operating Systems

Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server and Windows XP, HP-UX, Sun Solaris

Process flow

Start the web server.

Logon to WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS (Optional).


Getting Started with WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS

Starting WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS

Open Internet Explorer and type in the URL

http://< WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMSServer>:<port>/<project name>(example beaportal)/<Portal file> BEASAPHR.portal.

And the login page appears.

Note: The parameters in the URL are to be replaced by actual values.


Login Portlet

The login screen is used to authenticate the user. Only those users, who have a valid authentication, are allowed to login.

Figure 67 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS Login Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS Login Screen




Enter Username, to log into the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS.


Enter the Password details. The user may note that the password details entered are not visible instead an asterisk (*) is displayed for each and every keystroke entered by the user. Since, this field is case sensitive the user should ensure that the Caps Lock key is set to off mode from the keyboard.

Sign In

Click on Sign In, after the Username and Password details are entered, to successfully login to WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS.

In order to log into WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS system, the user should be of one of the following user type:

It is advised that the user refer to the BEA WebLogic Portlet Administration Guide. The guide details how to create a user, group and assign privileges and so on.

The privileges, which are available for an Administrator, are not available to Employee and so on; the details displayed on the Portlets vary depending on the user type selected.

In this user guide we will select the user type as Employee.

After successfully logging into the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 68 List of WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS Screen

List of WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS Screen


Note: The user may note that no records are displayed for most of the portlets, when the user logs in for the first time. In this case the user is advised to click on Edit Preferences hyperlink and then need to configure from the respective portlets.

Use scroll bar to navigate through the Portlets. The following is the list of Portlets for the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS:

The Portlets are discussed in the following pages. We will begin with Personal Data Portlet:


Personal Data Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Personal Data Portlet:

Note: The user may note that the, Personal Data Portlet is the first Portlet displayed, after valid authentication.

Creating new Employee Personal Data

In order to create new Employee Personal details, scroll to the Employee Personal Data Portlet, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 69 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Personal Data Portlet Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Personal Data Portlet Screen


The fields First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Begin Date, Gender, and County are self-explanatory.

Click Create Employee Personal Data hyperlink, from the Employee Personal Data Portlet, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 70 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Personal Data Portlet - Creation of Employee Personal Data Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Personal Data Portlet - Creation of Employee Personal Data Screen


The user is required to enter the Personal details of the Employee.

Click on Home hyperlink to quit from the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Personal Data entry screen and return back to Employee Personal Data Portlet.

After entering the details, click Submit.


Employee Permanent Address Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Permanent Address Portlet:

The fields Begin Date, Street-House No, City, District, State, County, and Postal Code are self-explanatory.

Click Edit Preferences hyperlink, from the Employee Permanent Address Details Portlet, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 72 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Permanent Address Details _ Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Permanent Address Details _ Edit Preferences Screen


Stayed From Date

This field is to select a valid date an employee has been residing from the date selected at a particular address.

Stayed To Date

This field is to select a valid date an employee has been residing till date at a particular address.

Max Rows

Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Employee Permanent Address Details Portlet, will only display the first few records (as per this setting), and the user can then navigate through rest of the records, using Previous and Next buttons, which are available, at the bottom left of the Employee Permanent Address Details Portlet.

Click on Back hyperlink, to quit from the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Permanent Address Details - Edit Preferences screen, and return back to Employee Permanent Address Details Portlet.

After entering the details, click Submit.

Creating new Employee Permanent Address Details

In order to create new Employee Permanent Address details, scroll to the Employee Permanent Address Details Portlet. Click Create Employee Permanent Address Details hyperlink, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 73 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Create Employee Permanent Address Details Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Create Employee Permanent Address Details Screen


The user is required to enter the Permanent Address details of the Employee.

After entering the details, click Submit.


Employee Emergency Address Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Emergency Address Portlet:

The fields Begin Date, Street-House No, City, District, State, County, and Postal Code are self-explanatory.

Click Edit Preferences hyperlink, from the Employee Emergency Address Portlet, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 75 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Emergency Address Details _ edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Emergency Address Details _ edit Preferences Screen


Begin Date and End Date entry is not mandatory; this will reduce the number of rows to be retrieved.

Max Rows

Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Employee Emergency Address Portlet, will only display the first few records (as per this setting), and the user can then navigate through rest of the records, using Previous and Next buttons, which are available, at the bottom left of the Employee Emergency Address Portlet.

Click on Back hyperlink, to quit from the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Emergency Address - Edit Preferences screen, and return back to Employee Emergency Address Portlet.

After entering the details, click Submit.

Creating new Employee Emergency Address

In order to create new Employee Emergency Address, scroll to the Employee Emergency Address Portlet. Click Create Employee Emergency Address hyperlink, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 76 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Create Employee Emergency Address Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Create Employee Emergency Address Screen


The user is required to enter the Emergency Address details of the Employee.

Click on Home hyperlink, to quit from the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Emergency Address entry screen, and return back to Employee Emergency Address Portlet.

After entering the details, click Submit.


Employee Mailing Address Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Mailing Address Portlet:

The fields Begin Date, Street-House No, City, District, State, County, and Postal Code are self-explanatory.

Click Edit Preferences hyperlink, from the Employee Mailing Address Portlet, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 78 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Mailing Address - Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Mailing Address - Edit Preferences Screen


Begin Date and End Date entry is not mandatory; this will reduce the number of rows to be retrieved.

Max Rows

Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Employee Mailing Address Portlet, will only display the first few records (as per this setting), and the user can then navigate through rest of the records, using Previous and Next buttons, which are available, at the bottom left of the Employee Mailing Address Portlet.

Click on Back hyperlink, to quit from the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Mailing Address - Edit Preferences screen, and return back to Employee Mailing Address Portlet.

After entering the details, click Submit.

Creating new Employee Mailing Address

In order to create new Employee Mailing Address, scroll to the Employee Mailing Address Portlet. Click Create Employee Mailing Address hyperlink, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 79 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Create Employee Mailing Address Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Create Employee Mailing Address Screen


The user is required to enter the Mailing Address details of the Employee.

Click on Home hyperlink, to quit from the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Mailing Address entry screen, and return back to Employee Mailing Address Portlet.

After entering the details, click Submit.


Employee Family Member-Dependents Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Family Member-Dependents Portlet:

The fields Begin Date, First Name, Last Name, Relation, Gender, and Date Of Birth are self-explanatory.

Click Edit Preferences hyperlink, from the Employee Family Member-Dependents Portlet, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 81 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Family Member Dependents - Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Family Member Dependents - Edit Preferences Screen



Select Relation. A list of valid Relation is available in the drop down box.

Maximum Rows

Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Employee Family Member-Dependents Portlet, will only display the first few records (as per this setting), and the user can then navigate through rest of the records, using Previous and Next buttons, which are available, at the bottom left of the Employee Family Member-Dependents Portlet.

Click on Back hyperlink, to quit from the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Family Member-Dependents - Edit Preferences screen, and return back to Employee Family Member-Dependents Portlet.

After entering the details, click Submit.


Employee Bank Details Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Bank Details Portlet:

The fields Account #, Bank, Name of Payment Method, Payee, Begin Date, Payee City, Country, and Currency are self-explanatory.

Click Edit Preferences hyperlink, from the Employee Bank Details Portlet, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 83 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Bank Details - Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Bank Details - Edit Preferences Screen



Select Relation. A list of valid Relation is available in the drop down box.

Maximum Rows

Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Employee Bank Details Portlet, will only display the first few records (as per this setting), and the user can then navigate through rest of the records, using Previous and Next buttons, which are available, at the bottom left of the Employee Bank Details Portlet.

Begin Date and End Date entry is not mandatory; this will reduce the number of rows to be retrieved.

Click on Back hyperlink, to quit from the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Bank Details - Edit Preferences screen, and return back to Employee Bank Details Portlet.

After entering the details, click Submit.

Creating new Employee Bank Details

In order to create new Employee Bank Details, scroll to the Employee Bank Details Portlet. Click Create Employee Bank Details hyperlink, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 84 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Create Employee Bank Details Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Create Employee Bank Details Screen


The user is required to enter the Bank details of the Employee.

Click on Home hyperlink, to quit from the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Bank Details entry screen, and return back to Employee Bank Details Portlet.

After entering the details, click Submit.


Employee Health Benefits Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Health Benefits Portlet:

The fields Begin Date, Employee Costs, Employer Costs, Provider Costs, Period Modifier, Currency, and Benefit Plan are self-explanatory.

Click Edit Preferences hyperlink, from the Employee Health Benefits Portlet, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 86 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Health Benefits - Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Health Benefits - Edit Preferences Screen


Begin Date entry is not mandatory; this will reduce the number of rows to be retrieved.

Max Rows

Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Employee Health Benefits Portlet, will only display the first few records (as per this setting), and the user can then navigate through rest of the records, using Previous and Next buttons, which are available, at the bottom left of the Employee Health Benefits Portlet.

Click on Back hyperlink, to quit from the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Health Benefits - Edit Preferences screen, and return back to Employee Health Benefits Portlet.

After entering the details, click Submit.


Employee Insurance Benefits Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Insurance Benefits Portlet:

The fields Begin Date, Plan Type, Plan Text, Insurance Coverage, Period Modifier, and Currency are self-explanatory.


Employee Expenses Portlet

The following operations that can be performed from the Expenses Portlet:

The fields Trip #, Departure Date, Arrival Date, Account, Country, Advance, PayOut, Trip Total, and Remarks are self-explanatory.

Click Edit Preferences hyperlink, from the Employee Expenses Portlet, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 89 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Expenses - Edit Preferences Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Expenses - Edit Preferences Screen


Departure Date and Arrival Date entry is not mandatory; this will reduce the number of rows to be retrieved.

Max Rows

Depending on the value selected in the Maxrows field, the Employee Expenses Portlet, will only display the first few records (as per this setting), and the user can then navigate through rest of the records, using Previous and Next buttons, which are available, at the bottom left of the Employee Expenses Portlet.

Click on Back hyperlink, to quit from the WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Expenses - Edit Preferences screen, and return back to Employee Expenses Portlet.

After entering the details, click Submit.


Employee Pay Checks

The following operations that can be performed from the Pay Checks Portlet:

Click on Click Here hyperlink, from the Employee Pay Checks Portlet, a screen, as illustrated, in the following figure is displayed:

Figure 91 WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Pay Checks - SAP Remuneration Statement Screen

WebLogic Portlets for SAP HRMS - Employee Pay Checks - SAP Remuneration Statement Screen


The fields displayed are self explanatory. After viewing the details click on close to quit from the SAP screen.


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