Setup Guide

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Configuring the Portlets

This chapter explains how to perform the setup and development tasks in order to make the Groupware Portlets available and operational in your WebLogic Portal. You will need to:


Modify the WebLogic Domain using the BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard

The Groupware Portlets require Java and WebLogic components to be added to your WebLogic domain. To accomplish this, you can use the WebLogic Configuration Wizard that is part of the WebLogic Platform 9.2.

  1. Launch the Configuration Wizard from Start > BEA Products > Tools > Configuration Wizard.
  2. Select Extend an existing WebLogic domain.
  3. After selecting the existing domain to extend, you are prompted to select an extension template to use. The Groupware Portlets include the extension template and can be found at:
  4. Select the template and continue with the wizard to complete the modification of an existing WebLogic domain.


Use the Groupware Portlets Project Facet in Workshop for WebLogic Platform

The Groupware Portlets include a project facet for use with Workshop for WebLogic Platform. This facet is called Groupware Integration for WebLogic Portal and is used to add the Groupware Portlets to a new or existing Portal web project.

Adding the Groupware Integration Project Facet to a New Portal Web Project

  1. When going through the steps to create a new Portal web project, you are prompted to select the project facets to include in the web project. After installing the Groupware Portlets, a facet is added to the list of available project facets.
  2. In the available list, select the Groupware Integration for WebLogic Portal project facet, along with the other project facets you wish to add to your Portal web project.
  3. Click Next to continue with the creation of the Portal web project.

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