Federated Portals Guide

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Managing Federated Portals

This chapter discusses operations you typically perform to a federated portal that is in production. This chapter includes the following topics:


Modifying the Consumer Security Configuration

Through the Service Administration panel of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, you can modify the following consumer security settings. These settings are configured in the file WEB-INF/wsrp-consumer-security-config.xml associated with the consumer web application.

You can perform the following modifications:

Changing the Web Application

This section lets you change the consumer web application for the security configuration you want to modify. To change the web application, do the following:

  1. In the Administration Console, select Configuration Settings > Service Administration.
  2. In the Resource Tree, select WSRP > Consumer Security.
  3. To change the web application, click Change Web Application. The Change Web Application dialog appears.
  4. To search for a consumer web application, enter the full or partial name of the application to find in the Search for Webapps field, and click Search. Any web applications that are currently deployed to the server that match the search criteria are displayed in the dialog. The search is case sensitive.
  5. Select the web application you want to change to, and click Save.

Modifying Global Credentials

You can edit the username and password for the security credential that is used for all producers associated with this consumer. This change modifies the security credential that is managed by the server.

  1. In the Administration Console, select Configuration Settings > Service Administration.
  2. In the Resource Tree, select WSRP > Consumer Security.
  3. Click Edit in the Global Credentials section. The Edit Credentials for All Producers dialog appears.
  4. Enter the new username and password, and click Save.
Note: The global credential alias set in wsrp-consumer-security-config.xml must not match the registry credential in wsrp-producer-portlet-registry-config.xml. Setting the registry credential is explained in Modifying the Registry Credentials.

Modifying Producer Credentials

You can edit the username and password credentials associated with a specific producer.

  1. In the Administration Console, select Configuration Settings > Service Administration.
  2. In the Resource Tree, select WSRP > Consumer Security.
  3. Click the producer handle for the producer whose credentials you want to change.
  4. In the dialog, enter the new username and password, and click Save.


Modifying the Producer Portlet Registry

Through the Service Administration panel of the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, you can modify the following producer portlet registry settings. These settings are configured in the file WEB-INF/wsrp-producer-portlet-registry-config.xml associated with a producer web application. This file is used to publish a producer and its resources, such as portlets, to specified UDDI registries.

Tip: For detailed information on configuring UDDI registries, see Publishing to UDDI Registries.

You can perform the following modifications:

Changing the Web Application

To edit the producer portlet registry for a producer, you must first select a producer web application.

  1. In the Administration Console, select Configuration Settings > Service Administration.
  2. In the Resource Tree, select WSRP > Producer Portlet Registry.
  3. To change the web application, click Change Web Application. The Change Web Application dialog appears.
  4. To search for a producer web application, enter the full or partial name of the application to find in the Search for Webapps field, and click Search. Any web applications that are currently deployed to the server that match the search criteria are displayed in the dialog. The search is case sensitive.
  5. Select the web application you want to change to, and click Save.

Modifying the Registry Credentials

You can edit the credentials (username and password) of the UDDI registry to which the current web application's portlets are published. This change modifies the security credential that is managed by the server.

  1. In the Administration Console, select Configuration Settings > Service Administration.
  2. In the Resource Tree, select WSRP > Producer Portlet Registry.
  3. Click Edit in the Credentials section. The Edit Credentials for WSRP Producer Registry Service dialog appears.
  4. Enter the new username and password, and click Save.
Note: The registry credential alias set in wsrp-producer-portlet-registry-config.xml file must not match the global credential in wsrp-consumer-security-config.xml. Setting the global credential is explained in Modifying Global Credentials.


Modifying Producer Registration Properties

Using the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, you can modify the registration properties for a producer that has already been registered with a consumer. When the consumer re-registers the producer, some portlets that were previously in use might not be available or some additional portlets might be available to the consumer.

For detailed information on using user profile properties with federated portals, see Federating User Profiles.

To modify a producer’s registration properties, do the following:

  1. In the WebLogic Portal Administration Console, select Portal > Portal Management.
  2. In the Portal Resources Library tree, select Remote Producers, and then select the producer whose properties you want to modify.
  3. In the Summary tab, select Registration Details.
  4. In the Modify Producer Registration dialog, edit the values you want to change, and click Modify Registration.
  5. Figure 18-1 Modify Producer Registration Dialog

    Modify Producer Registration Dialog

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