
Interface Summary
DiscountMgmt This interface defines the public interface of the DiscountMgmt service.
DiscountMgmtHome The home interface for the DiscountMgmt service.
DiscountModifier This interface defines the public interface of the DiscountModifier object.
DiscountRule This interface defines the public interface of the DiscountRule object.
QualificationDiscountDef This interface defines the public interface of an immutable discount definition object.

Class Summary
DiscountAssociationExistsException Indicates that the discount has an association with an item or order and can not be deleted.
DiscountCreationException Indicates that a given discount could not be created.
QualificationDiscountId This class represents a unique identifier for a QualificationDiscountDef object.
RuleType This class represents the two types of discount rules

Exception Summary
DiscountInUseException Indicates that a discount could not be deleted because it is being used.
DiscountNotFoundException Indicates that the discount referred to does not exist.
DiscountParsingException Indicates that a parsing error occurred while attempting to generate the DOM representation of the discount set.

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