Interface DiscountCalculator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDiscountCalculator, DiscountCalculatorFixedOff, DiscountCalculatorFixedPrice, DiscountCalculatorPercentOff

public interface DiscountCalculator

The DiscountCalculator will produce the new price of an entity (item, order shipping, ...) given a DiscountModifier instance and an entity. DiscountModifier is used by a DiscountCalculator to determine to what amount an entity should be discounted. This class should be implemented to produce a particular type of calculator. A specific DiscountCalculator implementation will be associated with a particular type or types of DiscountModifier classes at runtime.

Field Summary
static String calcMethod
Method Summary
 void calcNewPrice(DiscountModifier modifier, AdjustmentType type, QualificationDiscountId discountID, String reason, List items)
          List of PoolObject(s).
 void calcNewPrice(DiscountModifier modifier, AdjustmentType type, QualificationDiscountId discountID, String reason, PoolObject item)

Field Detail


static final String calcMethod
See Also
Constants Summary
Method Detail


void calcNewPrice(DiscountModifier modifier,
                  AdjustmentType type,
                  QualificationDiscountId discountID,
                  String reason,
                  PoolObject item)


void calcNewPrice(DiscountModifier modifier,
                  AdjustmentType type,
                  QualificationDiscountId discountID,
                  String reason,
                  List items)
List of PoolObject(s).

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