Interface IWorkflowManager

public interface IWorkflowManager

Interface to associate and manage Workflows for a repository, while honoring DA constraints placed on them.

Methods returning an ISortableFilterablePagedList may perform sorting and filtering. See the documentation in com.bea.content.paging and Workflow.

Note: new methods may be added to this interface periodically -- therefore, this not a good CM extension point. The recommended extension point is at the Service Provider Interface, in package com.bea.content.spi

This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal.BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 Workflow addWorkflow(ContentContext context, String repositoryName, String name, String comment, byte[] data)
          Add a new workflow document to the system.
 ISortableFilterablePagedList<Workflow> getAllAssociableWorkflows(ContentContext context, String repositoryName)
          Returns all the workflows in the specified repository [Including the Default Workflow document] to which the user has ASSOCIATION capability.
 ISortableFilterablePagedList<Workflow> getAllWorkflows(ContentContext context, String repositoryName)
          Returns all the workflows in the specified repository [Including the Default Workflow document] Please note that these workflow documents are lightweight objects and do not contain the actual workflow data.
 Workflow getDefaultWorkflow(ContentContext context, String repositoryName)
          Returns the default workflow for the given repository.
 ISortableFilterablePagedList<Node> getNodesForWorkflow(ContentContext context, ID workflowId)
          Returns the Nodes associated with the given workflow.
 byte[] getStream(ContentContext context, ID workflowId)
          Allow users to download the byte[] representing the document of the workflow.
 ISortableFilterablePagedList<ObjectClass> getTypesForWorkflow(ContentContext context, ID workflowId)
          Returns the Types associated with the given workflow.
 Workflow getWorkflow(ContentContext context, ID id)
          Return a specific workflow document with the given id.
 Workflow getWorkflow(ContentContext context, String repositoryName, String name)
          Return a specific workflow document with the given name The user needs to have VIEW or ASSOCIATE capability on the workflow.
 Workflow getWorkflowForNode(ContentContext context, ID nodeId)
          Returns the workflow document associated with the node.
 Workflow getWorkflowForType(ContentContext context, ID typeId)
          Get the workflow for the type.
 boolean hasCapability(ContentContext context, String repositoryName, Workflow workflow, WorkflowCapability capability)
          Check to see if the caller has the specified security capability on a node
 void remove(ContentContext context, ID id)
          Delete the specified workflow document from the system.
 Workflow save(ContentContext context, ID id, byte[] data)
          Updates the workflow document data.
 Workflow save(ContentContext context, ID id, String name, String comment)
          Update the workflow document meta-data.
 Workflow setDefaultWorkflow(ContentContext context, String repositoryName, byte[] data)
          Sets a default workflow for the repository
 void setNodeWorkflow(ContentContext context, ID nodeId, ID workflowId)
          Sets the specific workflow document to the given node.
 void setTypeWorkflow(ContentContext context, ID typeId, ID workflowId)
          Sets the specific workflow document to the given type.

Method Detail


Workflow addWorkflow(ContentContext context,
                     String repositoryName,
                     String name,
                     String comment,
                     byte[] data)
                     throws WorkflowExistsException,
Add a new workflow document to the system. A user will need create capabilities to create a new workflow.

context - The ContentContext object
name - Name of the workflow
comment - The comment associated with the workflow.
data - Byte Array of the file representing workflow data.
WorkflowExistsException - If the workflow with the specified name already exists.
DefaultWorkflowException - If user tried to add a default workflow in the system.
RepositoryException - If the workflow was not added due to other problem.


void remove(ContentContext context,
            ID id)
            throws DefaultWorkflowException,
Delete the specified workflow document from the system. This operation will be disallowed if user does not have delete privileges on the workflow.

context - The ContentContext object
id - The ID associated with the workflow object
DefaultWorkflowException - If user tried to delete the default workflow.
RepositoryException - If the workflow was not deleted due to some other problem.


ISortableFilterablePagedList<Workflow> getAllWorkflows(ContentContext context,
                                                       String repositoryName)
                                                       throws RepositoryException
Returns all the workflows in the specified repository [Including the Default Workflow document] Please note that these workflow documents are lightweight objects and do not contain the actual workflow data. The workflow document is lazily loaded on demand from the spi. This method will only return workflows to which the user has VIEW capabilities.

context - The ContentContext object
repositoryName - The name of the repository.
RepositoryException - If workflows cannot be retrieved due to some other issue.


ISortableFilterablePagedList<Workflow> getAllAssociableWorkflows(ContentContext context,
                                                                 String repositoryName)
                                                                 throws RepositoryException
Returns all the workflows in the specified repository [Including the Default Workflow document] to which the user has ASSOCIATION capability. Please note that these workflow documents are lightweight objects and do not contain the actual workflow data, until explicitly asked for.

context - The ContentContext object
repositoryName - The name of the repository.
RepositoryException - If workflows cannot be retrieved due to some other issue.


Workflow getWorkflow(ContentContext context,
                     ID id)
                     throws NoSuchWorkflowException,
Return a specific workflow document with the given id. The user needs to have VIEW or ASSOCIATE capability on the workflow.

context - The ContentContext object
id - The ID of the workflow
The Workflow representing the workflow document.
NoSuchWorkflowException - If the workflow document does not exist.
RepositoryException - If some other error happens.


Workflow getWorkflow(ContentContext context,
                     String repositoryName,
                     String name)
                     throws NoSuchWorkflowException,
Return a specific workflow document with the given name The user needs to have VIEW or ASSOCIATE capability on the workflow.

context - The ContentContext object
repositoryName - The name of the repository
name - The name of the workflow
The Workflow representing the workflow document.
NoSuchWorkflowException - If the workflow document does not exist.
RepositoryException - If some other error happens.


Workflow getDefaultWorkflow(ContentContext context,
                            String repositoryName)
                            throws RepositoryException
Returns the default workflow for the given repository. Every repository has one default workflow associated with it. The user needs to have VIEW or ASSOCIATE capability on the workflow.

context - The ContentContext object
repositoryName - The name of the repository
The Workflow representing the workflow documemnt.
RepositoryException - If there is another exception in the repository.


Workflow setDefaultWorkflow(ContentContext context,
                            String repositoryName,
                            byte[] data)
                            throws RepositoryException
Sets a default workflow for the repository

context - The ContentContext object
repositoryName - The name of the repository
data - The data for the workflow xml document. The document should conform to the workflow schema


Workflow save(ContentContext context,
              ID id,
              String name,
              String comment)
              throws RepositoryException
Update the workflow document meta-data. This operation will not succeed if user tries to update default workflow meta-data. Also the operation might fail if the user tried to update the name of the workflow to a workflow which already exists in the system.

context - The ContentContext object
id - The id of the workflow
name - The new name of the workflow
comment - The new comment for the workflow.
RepositoryException - If the the update of the metadata fails for some reason


Workflow save(ContentContext context,
              ID id,
              byte[] data)
              throws RepositoryException
Updates the workflow document data. This operation will disallow updating Default Workflow's meta-data

context - The ContentContext object
id - The ID of the workflow
data - The data associated with the workflow
RepositoryException - If the update of the workflow does not work, or if the workflow is in use by another node in the system.


void setNodeWorkflow(ContentContext context,
                     ID nodeId,
                     ID workflowId)
                     throws RepositoryException
Sets the specific workflow document to the given node. This allows all further operations like checkIn/checkOut to follow the workflow specified in the workflow document.

context - The ContentContext object
nodeId - The NodeId
workflowId - The workflowId. The UID in this variable can be set to null to remove the workflow from the node.
RepositoryException - If the operation fails for some reason. This can also be thrown if a node already has a workflow associated with it.


void setTypeWorkflow(ContentContext context,
                     ID typeId,
                     ID workflowId)
                     throws RepositoryException
Sets the specific workflow document to the given type. This allows all further operations like checkIn/checkOut for all instances of that type to follow the specified workflow.

context - The ContentContext object
typeId - The Type ID
workflowId - The workflowId. The UID in this variable can be set to null to remove the workflow from the type.
RepositoryException - If the operation fails for some reason.


Workflow getWorkflowForNode(ContentContext context,
                            ID nodeId)
                            throws AuthorizationException,
Returns the workflow document associated with the node. The order of precedence by which a workflow document is returned is as follows : a) If a workflow document is explicitly set on that node, it is returned. b) If no workflow document is set on that node, the workflow document associated with the type of the node is returned. c) If node has no type associated with it, or there is no workflow set on the type the system walks up the hierarchy to see if there is any parent node in the hierarchy which has a workflow set and returns that. The user needs to have VIEW or ASSOCIATE capability on the workflow.

context - The ContentContext object
nodeId - The node ID object.
The workflowObject for that node. If the node has no workflow object associated with it, it should return null. This will indicate the system to use the default workflow for that node when the node has been checked out.
RepositoryException - if the operation does not succeed.


Workflow getWorkflowForType(ContentContext context,
                            ID typeId)
                            throws AuthorizationException,
Get the workflow for the type. The user needs to have VIEW or ASSOCIATE capability on the workflow.

context - The ContentContext object
typeId - The type ID object.
The workflow associated with the type. Will return null if type has no workflow associated with it.


ISortableFilterablePagedList<Node> getNodesForWorkflow(ContentContext context,
                                                       ID workflowId)
                                                       throws RepositoryException
Returns the Nodes associated with the given workflow. Will not return any nodes the user does not have VIEW privileges on. This will also not return the nodes on which the workflow is inherited but will only return the nodes on which the workflow is explicitly set.

context - The ContentContext object
workflowId - The Workflow ID object
An Array of Nodes representing the workflow.
RepositoryException - If the opoeration does not succeed.


ISortableFilterablePagedList<ObjectClass> getTypesForWorkflow(ContentContext context,
                                                              ID workflowId)
                                                              throws RepositoryException
Returns the Types associated with the given workflow. Will not return any types the user does not have VIEW privileges on. This will also not return the types on which the workflow is inherited but will only return the types on which the workflow is explicitly set.

context - The ContentContext object
workflowId - The Workflow ID object
An Array of Types representing the workflow.
RepositoryException - If the opoeration does not succeed.


byte[] getStream(ContentContext context,
                 ID workflowId)
                 throws RepositoryException
Allow users to download the byte[] representing the document of the workflow. The user needs to have VIEW or ASSOCIATE capability on the workflow.

context -
workflowId -
a byte array of the document data


boolean hasCapability(ContentContext context,
                      String repositoryName,
                      Workflow workflow,
                      WorkflowCapability capability)
                      throws AuthorizationException
Check to see if the caller has the specified security capability on a node

context - The ContentContext object
repositoryName - The name of the repository
workflow - The workflow.
capability - The capability to check for.
true or false depending on whether the caller has the capability on the workflow or not.

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