Package com.bea.content

This package and sub-packages work together to provide BEA Portal Content Management.


Class Summary
BinaryHelper A helper class for dealing with binary data.
BinaryValue This class represents binary content.
ContentContext Holds contextual information related to the current CM call in a loosely-structured manner.
ContentEJBHomeCache This class caches the initial context and the EJB Home so lookups for EJBs are faster.
ContentEntity A ContentEntity is an object that is identified in the content management system by a unique id.
ContextKey Context keys are used to store and retrieve context values in the class ContentContext.
Credentials The credentials for an authenticated subject.
ID The ID of a content element.
Node A Node represents an element in a hieararchy.
ObjectClass ObjectClass is the type for a Node.
PathHelper Utility class to manipulate unix path like Strings such as /a/b/c/d.
Property Property is a name value pair, with the name being unique relative to the Node and the value is an Array of Value objects.
PropertyChoice PropertyChoice defines a set of choices for a PropertyDefinition, and thus any Property instances based on it.
PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition defines the shape of a Property.
RepositoryId A RepositoryId uniquely represents a BEA Content Repository.
Value The value for a Property.

Exception Summary
AuthenticationException This Exception is thrown when a user fails authentication.
AuthorizationException Thrown if a user is not authorized for an action.
DefaultWorkflowException Thrown if an operation on a PropertyChoice that does not exist occurs.
InvalidNodeNameException This is the main checked exception for any error thrown from the SPI.
NodeExistsException Thrown if an operation on a Node that already exists occurs, such as attempting to rename a Node to the Name of a Node that already exists.
NoSuchNodeException Thrown if an operation on a Node that does not exist occurs.
NoSuchObjectClassException Thrown if an operation on a ObjectClass that does not exist occurs.
NoSuchPropertyChoiceException Thrown if an operation on a PropertyChoice that does not exist occurs.
NoSuchPropertyDefinitionException Thrown if an operation on a PropertyDefinition that does not exist occurs.
NoSuchPropertyException Thrown if an operation on a Property that does not exist occurs.
NoSuchWorkflowException Thrown if an operation on a PropertyChoice that does not exist occurs.
ObjectClassExistsException Thrown if trying to create an ObjectClass that already exists.
ObjectClassInUseException Exception used to denote that a particular operation can not be performed on an ObjectClass becuase it is currently in use.
PropertyChoiceExistsException Thrown if trying to add a PropertyChoice to an ObjectClass with the same name as one that already exists.
PropertyDefinitionExistsException Thrown if trying to add a PropertyDefinition to an ObjectClass with the same name as one that already exists.
PropertyExistsException Thrown if trying to add a Property to a Node that already has a Property with the same name.
RepositoryException This is the main checked exception for any error thrown from the SPI.
RepositoryRuntimeException This is the main runtime exception for system errors.
TransitionNotFoundException Exception to indicate if a workflow transition has not found.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException An exception thrown from a repository implementation to signify that the operation is not supported by the implementation.
ValueOutOfBoundsException Thrown if trying to get nested property via it's indexedName, using an index that is greater than the size of the Value array.
WorkflowExistsException Thrown if an operation on a PropertyChoice that does not exist occurs.

Package com.bea.content Description

This package and sub-packages work together to provide BEA Portal Content Management. Most interaction with the content management system will be done through the classes and interfaces of the com.bea.content.federated package. The starting point is the com.bea.content.ContentManagerFactory. It provides methods for obtaining various manager classes used to manipulate and manage content repositories.

The following is a brief description of each package:

BEA Portal Content Management centers around the Virtual Content Repository. The Virtual Content Repository (VCR) performs two functions:

  1. It acts as a content federator to SPI implementations by forwarding content actions to the appropriate Repository.
  2. It optionally adds Library Services to configured BEA Repositories. Library Services adds versioning and custom workflow to content in a BEA Repository. The basic flow for a Node in a Library Services Enabled Repository is as follows:

The components that make up a Virtual Content Repository are listed below.

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