Interface Ticket

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public interface Ticket
extends Serializable

Ticket this is the access point for all of the service interfaces. The ticket contains the users credentials to validate permission to the service functionality. The Ticket is intended to be a light-weight object. As such, one or more may be created and possibly cached for each client accessing the repository. It is not intended to hold on to resources of any kind.

See Also

Method Summary
 NodeOps getNodeOps()
          Returns a NodeOps that will service the Repository that instantiated this Ticket.
 ObjectClassOps getObjectClassOps()
          Returns an ObjectClassOps that will service the Repository that instantiated this Ticket.
 SearchOps getSearchOps()
          Returns a SearchOps that will service the Repository that instantiated this Ticket.

Method Detail


NodeOps getNodeOps()
Returns a NodeOps that will service the Repository that instantiated this Ticket.


ObjectClassOps getObjectClassOps()
Returns an ObjectClassOps that will service the Repository that instantiated this Ticket.


SearchOps getSearchOps()
Returns a SearchOps that will service the Repository that instantiated this Ticket.

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