Class CommunityDesktop

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.communities.CommunityDesktop
All Implemented Interfaces

public class CommunityDesktop
extends Object
implements Serializable

CommunityDesktop - specifies the desktop to be used to create a community. It can either be an existing desktop, a streamed desktop template, a dot portal file template or a community template. This class should be used only to specify a desktop during community creation .

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
CommunityDesktop(DesktopDefinition desktopDefinition)
          Ctor when the desktop to be associated with a community does not already exist and needs to be created as part of community creation.
CommunityDesktop(DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId)
          Ctor when the desktop to be associated with a community is a streamed, normal or template desktop.
CommunityDesktop(DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId, boolean cloneSourceDesktop)
          Ctor when the desktop to be associated with a community is a streamed, normal or template desktop.
CommunityDesktop(TemplateId templateId)
          Ctor when the desktop to be associated with a community is a template.
Method Summary
 CommunityDesktop clone()
 boolean equals(Object o)
 DesktopDefinition getDesktopDefinition()
          Returns the DesktopDefinition, if the desktop to be associated with a community does not already exist.
 DesktopDefinitionId getDesktopDefinitionId()
          Returns the DesktopDefinitionId of the desktop, if a desktop has been associated with this CommunityDesktop, null otherwise.
 TemplateId getTemplateId()
          Returns the TemplateId of the template, if a template has been associated with this CommunityDesktop, null otherwise.
 boolean isCloneSourceDesktop()
          Returns true if the source desktop specified should be cloned and false if this community should directly reference it.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CommunityDesktop(DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId,
                        boolean cloneSourceDesktop)
Ctor when the desktop to be associated with a community is a streamed, normal or template desktop.

desktopDefinitionId - DesktopDefinitionId of desktop under consideration. If the desktop is a normal desktop, it's customized version for the current user will be used.
cloneSourceDesktop - true if the source desktop should be cloned and the clone associated with the community, false if the source desktop itself should be associated with the community. If set to false and the source desktop is of type other than COMMUNITY, it is converted to type COMMUNITY. An exception is thrown if this is set to false and the source desktop does not exist or is in use. Defaults to true if not specified.


public CommunityDesktop(DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId)
Ctor when the desktop to be associated with a community is a streamed, normal or template desktop.

desktopDefinitionId - DesktopDefinitionId of desktop under consideration. If the desktop is a normal desktop, it's customized version for the current user will be used.


public CommunityDesktop(DesktopDefinition desktopDefinition)
Ctor when the desktop to be associated with a community does not already exist and needs to be created as part of community creation.

desktopDefinition - Desktop definition to be created


public CommunityDesktop(TemplateId templateId)
Ctor when the desktop to be associated with a community is a template. The template may either be a desktop, portal file or community.

templateId - TemplateId for the dot portal file
Method Detail


public DesktopDefinitionId getDesktopDefinitionId()
Returns the DesktopDefinitionId of the desktop, if a desktop has been associated with this CommunityDesktop, null otherwise.



public boolean isCloneSourceDesktop()
Returns true if the source desktop specified should be cloned and false if this community should directly reference it. If this flag is set to false and the source desktop is in use, an exception will be thrown or if the desktop is not of type COMMUNITY, it will be converted to type COMMUNITY.



public DesktopDefinition getDesktopDefinition()
Returns the DesktopDefinition, if the desktop to be associated with a community does not already exist.



public TemplateId getTemplateId()
Returns the TemplateId of the template, if a template has been associated with this CommunityDesktop, null otherwise.



public CommunityDesktop clone()
clone in class Object


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object

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