Interface IPortalPresentationManager

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IPortalPresentationManager

Provides a level of abstraction over the IDesktopDefinitionManager and the IPortalDefinitionManager. These methods are intended for BEA internal use only.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal.BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 com.bea.netuix.application.definition.PortalResource getCustomizedPortalResource(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webAppName, PortalPath portalPath, DesktopPath desktopPath)
          Returns a customized PortalResource object that a combination of the webAppName, PortalPath, DesktopPath and user permissions resolves to.
 com.bea.netuix.application.definition.PortalResource getPortalResource(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webAppName, PortalPath portalPath, DesktopPath desktopPath)
          Returns a PortalResource object that a combination of the webAppName, PortalPath, DesktopPath and user permissions resolves to.

Method Detail


com.bea.netuix.application.definition.PortalResource getPortalResource(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                                                       String webAppName,
                                                                       PortalPath portalPath,
                                                                       DesktopPath desktopPath)
                                                                       throws RemoteException
Returns a PortalResource object that a combination of the webAppName, PortalPath, DesktopPath and user permissions resolves to.
If this combination does not resolve to a Desktop, the default Desktop is returned.
If a default Desktop does not exist, the content uri to the PortalDefinition is returned.

customizationContext - customization information
webAppName - J2EE web application name
portalPath - PortalPath
desktopPath - DesktopPath, can be null in which case portal resource uri will be returned


com.bea.netuix.application.definition.PortalResource getCustomizedPortalResource(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                                                                 String webAppName,
                                                                                 PortalPath portalPath,
                                                                                 DesktopPath desktopPath)
                                                                                 throws RemoteException
Returns a customized PortalResource object that a combination of the webAppName, PortalPath, DesktopPath and user permissions resolves to.
If this combination does not resolve to a Desktop, null is returned.

customizationContext - customization information
webAppName - J2EE web application name
portalPath - PortalPath
desktopPath - DesktopPath, can be null in which case portal resource uri will be returned

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