Interface Mutator

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All Known Implementing Classes:
Classifier, PathResolver

public interface Mutator
extends Serializable

Mutator allows for Gene values to be altered dynamically. Multiple mutators can be applied to a single gene, and the mutators are applied to the gene value in configured document order. The original gene value is passed to the first mutator which returns a value that is passed to the second mutator; the value returned from the last mutator is the ultimate evaluated gene value.

See Also
"Chromosome configuration element <gene>"

Method Summary
 String mutate(String mutatorName, String currentValue, Gene gene, Map<String,String> args, MutationContext context)
          This method is called for each mutator associated with a gene.

Method Detail


String mutate(String mutatorName,
              String currentValue,
              Gene gene,
              Map<String,String> args,
              MutationContext context)
              throws MutationException
This method is called for each mutator associated with a gene. Mutators can accept an arbitrary set of arguments (represented as a Map) and mutator implementations should document expected arguments and value constraints; no formal argument checking is provided by Look and Feel.

This method is called for every request and the resulting value is not cached in any way. Mutator implementations should ensure that the mutation process is performant.

mutatorName - The configured name of the mutator
currentValue - The current gene value; may be the result of prior mutators
gene - The gene being mutated
args - An arbitrary map of configured arguments
context - The context for mutation
The mutated Gene value
MutationException - This exception is thrown to signify a problem with the mutation process.

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