Class DesktopPresentationContext

  extended by ControlContext
      extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.PresentationContext
          extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.application.DesktopPresentationContext

public class DesktopPresentationContext
extends PresentationContext

This class represents a portal desktop component. All presentation-related attributes of a desktop component are available from instances of this class. Such instances are typically used during portal rendering via look and feel skeleton files (e.g. desktop.jsp).

See Also

Field Summary
protected static String CLASS_NAME
Method Summary
 BookPresentationContext getBookPresentationContext()
          Retrieve the main book (top level) presentation context.
 BookPresentationContext getBookPresentationContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
          Returns a book's presentation context, searching the entire tree recursively.
 String getDefinitionLabel()
          Returns the definitionLabel of this desktop.
static DesktopPresentationContext getDesktopPresentationContext(HttpServletRequest request)
          This is a convenience method for returning a reference to the one and only DesktopPresentationContext.
 PagePresentationContext getDisplayedPagePresentationContext()
          Return the last displayed page (not book).
 HeaderPresentationContext getHeaderPresentationContext()
          Get the header context for this desktop.
 LookAndFeelDefinitionId getLookAndFeelDefinitionId()
          Return the look and feel definition id.
 String getLookAndFeelDefinitionLabel()
          Return the look and feel definition label.
 PagePresentationContext getPagePresentationContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
          Return a book or a page but traverse the entire tree; this will go inside books that are on pages too.
 PortletPresentationContext getPortletPresentationContextRecursive(String instanceLabel)
          Return the portlet presentation context matching the supplied instance label.
 PortletPresentationContext[] getPortletsPresentationContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
          Return all portlet presentation contexts matching the supplied definition label.
 ShellPresentationContext getShellPresentationContext()
          Return a reference to the shell presentation context.
 String getTitle()
          Returns the title of this desktop instance.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.PresentationContext
getAttributeRenderer, getChildren, getChildren, getFirstChild, getParsedProperties, getPresentationClass, getPresentationId, getPresentationStyle, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyAsBoolean, getPropertyAsInt, getRenderFormat, getResolvedLocale, getTagName, isVisible, setVisible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final String CLASS_NAME
Method Detail


public static DesktopPresentationContext getDesktopPresentationContext(HttpServletRequest request)
This is a convenience method for returning a reference to the one and only DesktopPresentationContext. Note this method will only work if called from within a portal (typically, from the desktop.jsp skeleton). This method may return null if called when no appropriate context exists, but such a context should safely exist when being fetched from the associated skeleton JSP during normal portal rendering.

request - The current HTTPServletRequest instance
A reference to the current DesktopPresentationContext, if any


public ShellPresentationContext getShellPresentationContext()
Return a reference to the shell presentation context. This is a convenience method for returning the presentation context for the solitary, required child shell. This is equivalent to calling getFirstChild("application:shell").

The child ShellPresentationContext instance or null if it does not exist
See Also


public LookAndFeelDefinitionId getLookAndFeelDefinitionId()
Return the look and feel definition id. This method will only work for stremed portals.

look and feel definition id or null if portal file.


public String getLookAndFeelDefinitionLabel()
Return the look and feel definition label.

look and feel definition label as defined by the developer.


public BookPresentationContext getBookPresentationContext()
Retrieve the main book (top level) presentation context. This is a convenience method for returning the solitary, primary book for the portal. This is especially useful since the primary book is not an immediate child of the desktop or shell.

A reference to the main book presentation context or null if it does not exist


public BookPresentationContext getBookPresentationContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
Returns a book's presentation context, searching the entire tree recursively. If you are interested in both books AND pages use getPagePresentationContextRecursive() as that method returns both.

definitionLabel - The definition label of the book of interest
The book of interest or null if it is not found


public PagePresentationContext getPagePresentationContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
Return a book or a page but traverse the entire tree; this will go inside books that are on pages too.

definitionLabel - The definition label of the page or book of interest
A PagePresentationContext (or BookPresentationContext if a book) of the page or book with a matching definition label


public PortletPresentationContext getPortletPresentationContextRecursive(String instanceLabel)
Return the portlet presentation context matching the supplied instance label.

instanceLabel - The unique instance label of the desired portlet
A reference to the portlet's PresentationContext if it exists; null otherwise


public PortletPresentationContext[] getPortletsPresentationContextRecursive(String definitionLabel)
Return all portlet presentation contexts matching the supplied definition label. Since many portlets can share the same definition label, more than one portlet can be returned. If you are interested in just one portlet then try getPortletPresentationContextRecursive(String instanceLabel).

definitionLabel - The label of the desired portlet
A non-null array of PortletPresentationContexts


public PagePresentationContext getDisplayedPagePresentationContext()
Return the last displayed page (not book). This method listens to Page Change events and remembers the last page that was activated in the Desktop. If no page changes have occurred then the first default page found will be returned.

Last displayed PagePresentationContext


public String getTitle()
Returns the title of this desktop instance. This value may be localized if localized values exist.

The desktop's localized title


public String getDefinitionLabel()
Returns the definitionLabel of this desktop. This value should not be null.

The non-null definitionLabel for the desktop


public HeaderPresentationContext getHeaderPresentationContext()
Get the header context for this desktop. Return null if there is no header.

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