Interface EntityPropertyManager

All Superinterfaces

public interface EntityPropertyManager
extends Serializable

EntityPropertyManager is the remote interface for a session bean that manages persistence of ConfigurableEntity EJB's and their properties. The default implementation uses the WLPS database as its backing store, other implementations may use other datastores such as an LDAP server.

Each ConfigurableEntity must have an ejb-ref in its deployment descriptor that can be used to identify the correct EntityPropertyManager to use.

This control has been deprecated. Instead, use the ProfileControl to get an instance of the EntityPropertyManager associated with that profile manager, and use the API directly on the EntityPropertyManager.

See Also
EntityPropertyManager, EntityPropertyCache, ConfigurableEntity, PropertyLocator

Method Summary
 long createUniqueId(String jndiHomeName, String pkString)
          Deprecated with no replacement
 String[] getDynamicProperties(PropertyLocator locator, String pkString)
          Deprecated with no replacement
 String[] getEntityNames(String anEntityId)
          Deprecated with no replacement
 EntityPropertyCache getProperties(PropertyLocator locator)
          Deprecated Use the ProfileControl to get the user or group profile manager, then call getProperties() on that. For example: ProfileControl.getUserProfileManager().getProperties(profileName, propertySetName)
 Object getProperty(PropertyLocator locator, String propertySet, String propertyName)
          Deprecated Use the ProfileControl to get the user or group profile manager, then call getProperties() on that. For example: ProfileControl.getUserProfileManager().getProperty(profileName, propertySet, propertyName)
 PropertyLocator getPropertyLocator(long anEntityId)
          Deprecated with no replacement
 long getUniqueId(String homeName, String pkString)
          Deprecated with no replacement
 void removeEntity(PropertyLocator locator)
          Deprecated with no replacement
 void removeProperties(PropertyLocator locator)
          Deprecated with no replacement
 Object removeProperty(PropertyLocator locator, String propertySet, String propertyName)
          Deprecated Use the ProfileControl to get the user or group profile manager, then call getProperties() on that . For example: ProfileControl.getUserProfileManager().removeProperty(profileName, propertySet, propertyName)
 void setProperty(PropertyLocator locator, String propertySet, String propertyName, Object value)
          Deprecated Use the ProfileControl to get the user or group profile manager, then call setProperty() on that. For example: ProfileControl.getUserProfileManager().setProperty(profileName, propertySet, propertyName, value)

Method Detail


long createUniqueId(String jndiHomeName,
                    String pkString)
                    throws P13nControlException
Deprecated with no replacement

Create a record for a new ConfigurableEntity, as identified by the given jndiHomeName and pkString.

jndiHomeName - the entity's home name
pkString - the entity's identifier string
the newly created entity id
P13nControlException - if there is an error creating the new Configurable Entity.


String[] getDynamicProperties(PropertyLocator locator,
                              String pkString)
                              throws P13nControlException
Deprecated with no replacement

Returns a list of dynamically assigned properties for the given entity, that have been named with the given property set name. Dynamic properties are properties that have values persisted, and may even have a property set name, but are not actually defined in a property set.

Dynamic properties could exist if the property set definition has been changed to remove a property but the given entity still has a value for this property. They could also exist if the entity has properties that were set using the property set name as the scope, but the property set definition does not contain the properties.

If the given property set name is null then this method returns the property names that were set for this entity using null for the property set name.

locator - a PropertyLocator identifying the entity to look up
propertySet - the propertySet to look up
a String array of property names
P13nControlException - if the Entity cannot be found


String[] getEntityNames(String anEntityId)
                        throws P13nControlException
Deprecated with no replacement

Get the PropertyLocator for the entity identified by the given entity id

anEntityId - the unique id for the entity to look up
the entity's PropertyLocator
P13nControlException - if database errors occur while attempting the query


EntityPropertyCache getProperties(PropertyLocator locator)
                                  throws P13nControlException
Deprecated Use the ProfileControl to get the user or group profile manager, then call getProperties() on that. For example: ProfileControl.getUserProfileManager().getProperties(profileName, propertySetName)

Returns an EntityPropertyCache full of all properties that are persisted for the given ConfigurableEntity

locator - a PropertyLocator that identifies the entity
a populated EntityPropertyCache
P13nControlException - if the entity is not found


Object getProperty(PropertyLocator locator,
                   String propertySet,
                   String propertyName)
                   throws P13nControlException
Deprecated Use the ProfileControl to get the user or group profile manager, then call getProperties() on that. For example: ProfileControl.getUserProfileManager().getProperty(profileName, propertySet, propertyName)

Returns the value of the property defined for the specified property and property set.

If the property does not have a value persisted, then null is returned.

locator - a PropertyLocator identifying the entity to look up
propertySet - the name of the property set
propertyName - the name of the property
the property's value, or null if there is none
P13nControlException - if the Entity cannot be found


PropertyLocator getPropertyLocator(long anEntityId)
                                   throws P13nControlException
Deprecated with no replacement

Get the PropertyLocator for the entity identified by the given entity id

anEntityId - the unique id for the entity to look up
the entity's PropertyLocator
P13nControlException - if the Entity cannot be found


long getUniqueId(String homeName,
                 String pkString)
                 throws P13nControlException
Deprecated with no replacement

Returns the number that uniquely identifies the entity specified by the home name and the pk string.

If the entity is not found, -1 will be returned.

homeName - the entity's JNDI home name
pkString - the entity's string identifier
the entity's unique id, or -1 if it was not found
P13nControlException - if the Entity cannot be found


void removeEntity(PropertyLocator locator)
                  throws P13nControlException
Deprecated with no replacement

Remove all properties, and the entity record, for the entity identified by the given property locator

locator - the PropertyLocator identifying the entity to remove
P13nControlException - if the Entity cannot be found


void removeProperties(PropertyLocator locator)
                      throws P13nControlException
Deprecated with no replacement

Removes all property values associated with the entity specified by the property locator.scope

locator - a PropertyLocator identifying the entity to modify
P13nControlException - if the Entity cannot be found


Object removeProperty(PropertyLocator locator,
                      String propertySet,
                      String propertyName)
                      throws P13nControlException
Deprecated Use the ProfileControl to get the user or group profile manager, then call getProperties() on that . For example: ProfileControl.getUserProfileManager().removeProperty(profileName, propertySet, propertyName)

Removes a specific property value from the entity specified by the property locator.

locator - a PropertyLocator identifying the entity to modify
propertySet - the property set containing the property to remove
propertyName - the name of the property to remove
The old value of the property, if any
P13nControlException - if the Entity cannot be found


void setProperty(PropertyLocator locator,
                 String propertySet,
                 String propertyName,
                 Object value)
                 throws P13nControlException
Deprecated Use the ProfileControl to get the user or group profile manager, then call setProperty() on that. For example: ProfileControl.getUserProfileManager().setProperty(profileName, propertySet, propertyName, value)

Sets the property identified by the given property set and property name to the given value for the entity specified by the given property locator.

locator - a PropertyLocator identifying the entity to modify
propertySet - the property set containing the property to modify
propertyName - the name of the property to modify
value - the value to persist for the given property and entity
P13nControlException - if the entity cannot be found, or if the value is not valid for the given property

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