Interface RealmConfiguration

public interface RealmConfiguration

* This is the public interface for keeping personalization profile records in sync with the WLS realm. It checks for user names that have profiles, but have no corresponding user in any of the authentication providers. It then deletes those profiles.
Security requirements: The caller must be in the role of "PortalSystemAdministrator" to invoke these methods

Method Summary
 void cleanupMisconfiguredGroups()
          Removes misconfigured groups (those with profiles, but no corresponding group in the authentication provider).
 void cleanupMisconfiguredUsers()
          Removes misconfigured users (those with profiles, but no corresponding group in the authentication provider).
 String[] getGroupProfileNames()
          Returns just the group profile names.
 String[] getMisconfiguredGroups()
          Returns the group names that have profiles, but group does not exist in the authentication provider.
 String[] getMisconfiguredUsers()
          Returns the user names that have profiles, but user does not exist in the authentication provider.
 String[] getRealmGroups()
          Get a list of groups in all authentication providers configured for the realm.
 String[] getRealmUsers()
          Get a list of groups in all authentication providers configured for the realm.
 String[] getUserProfileNames()
          Returns just the user profiles.
 boolean isManageableRealm()
          Determine if the current realm is writable.

Method Detail


void cleanupMisconfiguredGroups()
                                throws P13nControlException
Removes misconfigured groups (those with profiles, but no corresponding group in the authentication provider). The profile is removed for a misconfigured group. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator

P13nControlException - if errors cleaning up groups, or if caller is not in allowed role


void cleanupMisconfiguredUsers()
                               throws P13nControlException
Removes misconfigured users (those with profiles, but no corresponding group in the authentication provider). The profile is removed for a misconfigured user. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator

P13nControlException - if errors cleaning up users, or if caller is not in allowed role


String[] getGroupProfileNames()
                              throws P13nControlException
Returns just the group profile names. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator

a list of groups in the database
P13nControlException - if errors accessing the database, or if caller is not in allowed role


String[] getMisconfiguredGroups()
                                throws P13nControlException
Returns the group names that have profiles, but group does not exist in the authentication provider. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator

the names for the groups that are misconfigured
P13nControlException - if user find error, or if caller is not in allowed role


String[] getMisconfiguredUsers()
                               throws P13nControlException
Returns the user names that have profiles, but user does not exist in the authentication provider. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator

the usersnames for the users that are misconfigured
P13nControlException - if user find error, or if caller is not in allowed role


String[] getRealmGroups()
                        throws P13nControlException
Get a list of groups in all authentication providers configured for the realm. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator

P13nControlException - if error accessing realm, or if caller is not in allowed role


String[] getRealmUsers()
                       throws P13nControlException
Get a list of groups in all authentication providers configured for the realm. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator

P13nControlException - if error accessing realm, or if caller is not in allowed role


String[] getUserProfileNames()
                             throws P13nControlException
Returns just the user profiles. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator

a list of usernames in the database
P13nControlException - if errors accessing the database, or if caller is not in allowed role


boolean isManageableRealm()
                          throws P13nControlException
Determine if the current realm is writable. Caller must be in the role of PortalSystemAdminstrator

true if it is, false otherwise.
P13nControlException - if runtime errors, or if caller is not in allowed role

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