Interface RuleEventControl

All Superinterfaces

public interface RuleEventControl
extends Serializable

This control dispatches a 'RuleEvent' to the Portal Behavior Tracking System. This control may not be used in a JWS because the request and session objects are not available.
The Request object may be obtained from a Page Flow by:

 HttpServletRequest request = this.getRequest();

See Portal documentation on "Events and Behavior Tracking" for information on how to configure the service before using this control.

Method Summary
 void dispatch(HttpServletRequest request, String rulesetName, String ruleName)
          Dispatch a RuleEvent to the Event Service.

Method Detail


void dispatch(HttpServletRequest request,
              String rulesetName,
              String ruleName)
              throws P13nControlException
Dispatch a RuleEvent to the Event Service.

request - the HttpServletRequest object, cannot be null
rulesetName - The name of the rule set containing the rule
ruleName - The name of the rule
P13nControlException - if the EventService is misconfigured or if remote exceptions are encountered while accessing the event service.

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