Interface RulesManager

All Superinterfaces

public interface RulesManager
extends RuleSetRepository

This interface defines a stateless API for executing named rule sets and/or rules using the underlying BEA rules engine. This interface is exposed as a stateless session EJB that can be created using the RulesManagerHome.

See Also
This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal.BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Field Summary
          The environment entry key for reading the RuleSetRepository implementation class name.
Fields inherited from interface com.bea.p13n.rules.manager.RuleSetRepository
Method Summary
 Iterator evaluateRule(String ruleSetUri, String ruleName, Object[] inputObjects)
          Applies a named rule to the set of objects provided by the caller and returns an iterator over the resultant set of objects.
 Iterator evaluateRule(String ruleSetUri, String ruleName, Object[] inputObjects, ObjectFilter filter)
          Applies a named rule to the set of objects provided by the caller and returns an iterator over the resultant set of objects that pass the given filter.
 Iterator evaluateRuleSet(String ruleSetUri, Object[] inputObjects)
          Applies a named set of rules to the set of objects provided by the caller and returns an iterator over the resultant set of objects.
 Iterator evaluateRuleSet(String ruleSetUri, Object[] inputObjects, ObjectFilter filter)
          Applies a named set of rules to the set of objects provided by the caller and returns an iterator over the resultant set of objects that pass the given filter.
 String getRuleSet(String ruleSetUri)
          Deprecated replaced by RuleSetRepository.getRuleSet(String, int)
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.p13n.rules.manager.RuleSetRepository
getRuleSet, getRuleSets, removeRuleSet, setRuleSet

Field Detail


The environment entry key for reading the RuleSetRepository implementation class name. All methods defined on the RuleSetRespository interface are delegated to an instance of this class.

See Also
Constants Summary
Method Detail


Iterator evaluateRuleSet(String ruleSetUri,
                         Object[] inputObjects)
                         throws RemoteException,
Applies a named set of rules to the set of objects provided by the caller and returns an iterator over the resultant set of objects.

ruleSetUri - The URI of the rule set which contains the set of rules.
inputObjects - The set of objects to which the rules are to be applied.
The set of objects which resulted from the application of the rules.
IllegalArgumentException - if ruleSetUri is null or zero-length, or if inputObjects is null.
ApplicationException - if the rule set execution subsystem is unable to execute the rule set.
RemoteException - if a communication error occurs during the execution of a remote method call.


Iterator evaluateRuleSet(String ruleSetUri,
                         Object[] inputObjects,
                         ObjectFilter filter)
                         throws RemoteException,
Applies a named set of rules to the set of objects provided by the caller and returns an iterator over the resultant set of objects that pass the given filter.

ruleSetUri - The URI of the rule set which contains the set of rules.
inputObjects - The set of objects to which the rules are to be applied
filter - An ObjectFilter used to filter the results of rule exection.
A filtered set of objects which resulted from the application of the rules.
IllegalArgumentException - if ruleSetUri is null or zero-length, or if inputObjects is null.
ApplicationException - if the rule set execution subsystem is unable to execute the rule set.
RemoteException - if a communication error occurs during the execution of a remote method call.


Iterator evaluateRule(String ruleSetUri,
                      String ruleName,
                      Object[] inputObjects)
                      throws RemoteException,
Applies a named rule to the set of objects provided by the caller and returns an iterator over the resultant set of objects.

ruleSetUri - The URI of the rule set which contains the rule to be executed.
ruleName - The name of the rule to be executed.
inputObjects - The set of objects to which the rule is to be applied
The set of objects which resulted from the application of the rule.
IllegalArgumentException - if ruleSetUri or ruleName are null or zero-length, or if inputObjects is null.
ApplicationException - if the rule set execution subsystem is unable to execute the rule.
RemoteException - if a communication error occurs during the execution of a remote method call.


Iterator evaluateRule(String ruleSetUri,
                      String ruleName,
                      Object[] inputObjects,
                      ObjectFilter filter)
                      throws RemoteException,
Applies a named rule to the set of objects provided by the caller and returns an iterator over the resultant set of objects that pass the given filter.

ruleSetUri - The URI of the rule set which contains the rule to be executed.
ruleName - The name of the rule to be executed.
inputObjects - The set of objects to which the rule is to be applied
filter - An ObjectFilter used to filter the results of rule exection.
A filtered set of objects which resulted from the application of the rule.
IllegalArgumentException - if ruleSetUri or ruleName are null or zero-length, or if inputObjects is null.
ApplicationException - if the rule set execution subsystem is unable to execute the rule.
RemoteException - if a communication error occurs during the execution of a remote method call.


String getRuleSet(String ruleSetUri)
                  throws RuleSetNotFoundException,
Deprecated replaced by RuleSetRepository.getRuleSet(String, int)

Retrieves the XML string representation of the rule set with the given URI.

ruleSetUri - the URI of the target rule set.
the XML representing the rule set.
RuleSetNotFoundException - if the rule set referenced by the supplied URI cannot be located by the rule set repository subsystem.
ApplicationException - if the rule set repository subsystem is unable to retrieve the rule set.
IllegalArgumentException - if the ruleSetUri is an invalid rule set URI.
RemoteException - if a communication error occurs during the execution of a remote method call.

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