Interface IBlockingInteractionBaseRequestContext

All Superinterfaces
IBaseRequestContext, IGetMarkupBaseRequestContext, IMutableRegistrationContext, IRegistrationContext, IRuntimeContext, IUserContext, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IBlockingInteractionBaseRequestContext
extends IGetMarkupBaseRequestContext

A base request context that represents partial input data for the "performBlockingInteraction" operation. It includes accessors and mutators for most elements described in the WSRP specification except WLP extensions.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal.BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 void addFormParameter(String name, String[] values)
          Adds the supplied name and array of values to form data map.
 void forceGetMarkupCall(boolean value)
          "true" value forces a "getMarkup" operation to follow the "performBlockingInteraction" operation.
 Map<String,String[]> getFormParameters()
          Name/Value pairs of a submitted form.
 String getInteractionState()
          An opaque representation of transient information of the current portlet, used in processing the "performBlockingInteraction" operation.
 InputStream getUploadedData()
          A binary blob that is being uploaded by an user.
 void setFormParameter(String name, String[] values)
          If the supplied name form parameter found, it replaces values with the supplied values array, otherwise adds the supplied name and values as a form parameter.
 void setInteractionState(String interactionState)
          Sets the supplied interactionState as interaction state for the current portlet.
 void setUploadedData(InputStream inputStream)
          Uses supplied inputStream a binary blob that is being uploaded.
 boolean shouldForceGetMarkupCall()
          Custom method that indicates to execute a "getMarkup" operation
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.markup.IGetMarkupBaseRequestContext
addLocale, addMarkupCharacterSet, addMimeType, getLocales, getMarkupCharacterSets, getMimeTypes, getMode, getNavigationalState, getUserAgent, getWindowState, isSecureClientCommunicationOn, isValidateTagOn, setMarkupCharacterSet, setMode, setNavigationalState, setUserAgent, setValidateTagOn, setWindowState
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.markup.IBaseRequestContext
addMimeHeader, getHttpServletRequest, getHttpServletResponse, getMimeHeaders, getMimeHeaders, getPortletContext, getProducerInfo, getServletContext, removeMimeHeader, setMimeHeader
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.IMutableRegistrationContext
setRegistrationHandle, setRegistrationState
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.IRegistrationContext
getRegistrationHandle, getRegistrationState
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.markup.IRuntimeContext
getNamespacePrefix, getPortletInstanceKey, getSessionID, getTemplates, getUserAuthentication
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.markup.IUserContext
getUserContextKey, getUserProfile

Method Detail


String getInteractionState()
An opaque representation of transient information of the current portlet, used in processing the "performBlockingInteraction" operation. The value is from the portlet's URL parameter "wsrp-interactionState".

A string representing interaction state of the current portlet.


void setInteractionState(String interactionState)
Sets the supplied interactionState as interaction state for the current portlet.

interactionState - An interaction state for the current portlet.


Map<String,String[]> getFormParameters()
Name/Value pairs of a submitted form.

A map of name/value pairs of a submitted form.


void addFormParameter(String name,
                      String[] values)
Adds the supplied name and array of values to form data map. The values are added to the existing values list corresponding to the supplied name parameter. Note: The data in values should be encoded/decoded correctly so that a producer can understand.

name - the name of a form parameter.
values - an array of values for the supplied form parameter.


void setFormParameter(String name,
                      String[] values)
If the supplied name form parameter found, it replaces values with the supplied values array, otherwise adds the supplied name and values as a form parameter. Note: The data in values should be encoded/decoded correctly so that a producer can understand.

name - the name of a form parameter.
values - an array of values for the supplied form parameter.


InputStream getUploadedData()
                            throws IOException
A binary blob that is being uploaded by an user.

An input stream of data that is being uploaded.
IOException - if unable to retrieve inputstream from an http request.


void setUploadedData(InputStream inputStream)
Uses supplied inputStream a binary blob that is being uploaded.

inputStream - An input stream of the data being uploaded.


boolean shouldForceGetMarkupCall()
Custom method that indicates to execute a "getMarkup" operation

a boolean that indicates whether a "getMarkup" operation will follow the current "performBlockingInteraction" operation are not.


void forceGetMarkupCall(boolean value)
"true" value forces a "getMarkup" operation to follow the "performBlockingInteraction" operation. The WLP Producer may send a portlet's markup in a response to the "performBlockingInteraction" operation, the "true" value will force WLP Consumer to ignore the markup received in the "performBlockingInteraction" response and make a "getMarkup" call. This can be usefull in caching portlet's markup.

value - true forces a "getMarkup" call after making the current "performBlockingInteraction" operation.

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