Package com.beasys.commerce.axiom.units

This package contains classes that represent and convert units of measure.


Interface Summary
DescribedMoney Attribute: description Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
DescribedPrice Attribute: description Containment: By Value Multiplicity: 1:1
Money Represents money as value and currency
Price Represents the price of something.
Quality Represents a Quality that can be had or desired.
Quantity The quantity of something.
Unit A unit of measure.
UnitPrice Combines a unit and a price to provide a mechanism for recording pricing and pricing strategies.

Class Summary
DescribedMoneyHome The home class for the DescribedMoney belonging.
DescribedPriceHome The home class for the DescribedPrice belonging.
MoneyHome The home class for the Money belonging.
PriceHome The home class for the Price belonging.
PriceImpl Represents the price of something.
QualityHome The home class for the Quality belonging.
QualityImpl Represents a Quality that can be had or desired.
QuantityHome The home class for the Quantity belonging.
QuantityImpl The quantity of something.
UnitHome The home class for the Unit belonging.
UnitImpl A unit of measure.
UnitPriceHome The home class for the UnitPrice belonging.
UnitPriceImpl Combines a unit and a price to provide a mechanism for recording pricing and pricing strategies.

Exception Summary

Package com.beasys.commerce.axiom.units Description

This package contains classes that represent and convert units of measure.

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