Interface CatalogManager

All Superinterfaces
BusinessSmartComponent, CatalogManagerBusiness, CatalogService, Serializable, Session

public interface CatalogManager
extends CatalogService, CatalogManagerBusiness

The CatalogManager is the main entry point to the Product Catalog. It controls access to a number of discrete service interfaces: category manager, product item manager, query manager and the custom data manager.

In order to use the various Product Catalog services, one must first create a CatalogManager and then obtain discrete service interfaces using the various service accessors. Each service interface is responsible for delegating to an implementation service, as specified in each service interface deployment environment. In this way, different service implementations may be transparently substituted.

See Also
CatalogManagerHome, CatalogManagerImpl, CategoryManager, ProductItemManager, CatalogQueryManager, CustomDataManager

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.service.CatalogService
Methods inherited from interface com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.CatalogManagerBusiness
createAdminCatalogRequest, createCatalogRequest, getCatalogQueryManager, getCategoryManager, getCustomDataManager, getProductItemManager, onRemoveItem

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