Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.service.category

This package contains the classes that define a pluggable service to manage the Categories and hierarchical structure of the Product Catalog.


Interface Summary
CategoryManager The CategoryManager is a catalog service provider that manages the creation, update and deletion of categories.
CategoryManagerBusiness The CategoryManager is a catalog service provider that manages the creation, update and deletion of categories.
CategoryManagerHome The home interface for the CategoryManager Session Bean.
JdbcCategoryManager Defines a Tier 2 service provider interface for a CategoryManager that uses JDBC as a persistence mechanism.
JdbcCategoryManagerHome The home interface for the JdbcCategoryManager Session Bean.

Class Summary
CategoryInfo Internal implementation class.
CategoryItemIterator A CategoryItemIterator is a ViewIterator over all ProductItems within a Category.
CategoryIterator A CategoryIterator is a ViewIterator over all Categories.
CategoryManagerImpl Implementation class for the CategoryManagerImpl Tier 1 service provider interface.
JdbcCategoryManagerImpl Implementation class for the Tier 2 service provider that manages catalog categories using a JDBC persistence model.
OrphanedItemIterator A OrphanedItemIterator is a ViewIterator over OrphanedItems.
SeedCacheStartup SeedCacheStartup is a WebLogic Server startup class.
SiblingIterator A SiblingIterator is a ViewIterator over the sibling Category objects for a given Category.
SubCategoryIterator A SubCategoryIterator is a ViewIterator over the sub categories of a given parent Category.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.service.category Description

This package contains the classes that define a pluggable service to manage the Categories and hierarchical structure of the Product Catalog.

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