Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.service.item

This package contains the classes that define a pluggable service to manage the Product Items within the Product Catalog.


Interface Summary
JdbcProductItemManager JDBC-specific ProductItemManager service implementation.
JdbcProductItemManagerHome The home interface for the JdbcProductItemManager Session EJB.
ProductItemManager Service interface for managing Product Items.
ProductItemManagerBusiness Service interface for managing Product Items.
ProductItemManagerHome The home interface for the ProductItemManager Session EJB.

Class Summary
JdbcProductItemManagerImpl The implementation class for the JdbcProductItemManager Session EJB.
ProductItemIterator A ViewIterator over ProductItems.
ProductItemManagerImpl The implementation class for the ProductItemManager Session EJB.

Package com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.catalog.service.item Description

This package contains the classes that define a pluggable service to manage the Product Items within the Product Catalog.

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