
The security package enables secure handling or sensitive data.


Interface Summary
Decryptor The Decryptor is a Stateless Session EJB that provides decryption services.
DecryptorHome The home interface for the Decryptor Session Bean.
Encryptor The Encryptor is a Stateless Session EJB that provides encryption services.
EncryptorHome The home interface for the Encryptor Session Bean.

Class Summary
DecryptorImpl The DecryptorImpl is the implementation used by the Decryptor service.
EncryptorImpl The EncryptorImpl is the implementation used by the Encryptor service.
KeyFactory Factory for both a private and public key.
KeyPairGenerator Generates a key pair using JSAFE
SecurityConstants Defines constants used in this package

Exception Summary
CryptException Represents encryption/decryption or key generation exceptions
InconsistentStateException Thrown to signify that the KeyFactory has not been initialized with a password.

Package Description

The security package enables secure handling or sensitive data. It uses RSA standard private key encryption to accomplish this objective.

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