Package com.compoze.collab.util

Interface Summary
IDigestSupport Interface implemented by classes that support updating a MessageDigest object with their internal state.

Class Summary
ArrayMap Implements a Map that's backed by an array.
ArraySet A Set implementation backed by an ArrayMap.
ArrayUtility This class contains utility methods that operate on arrays.
Assert A class to perform assertion checks.
Base64 This class provides base 64 encoding and decoding.
BooleanUtility Provide an equivalent of Boolean.valueOf(boolean) for JDK 1.3 and earlier
ByteBuffer This is a utility class to write bytes into a buffer taking into account endianess.
CalendarUtility This class contains utility methods for manipulating calendars and related items.
Classpath This class wraps access to finding files in the CLASSPATH.
CollectionUtility Class description.
Convert Conversion methods for primitive types.
DigestUtility This class contains utility methods for working on digests.
EmptyList An always-empty List.
HexByteBuffer This class allows the creation of a byte array from primitives, Strings and byte arrays that can be converted to a hex string and back.
IoUtility This class contains I/O utility methods.
IoUtility.BynameFilenameFilter Filter a file by its name.
MimeMultipartData This class encapsulates data for a MIME body part.
MimeMultipartHandler This class is used to parse an input stream representing a MIME entity.
NetUtility This class contains helper methods for networking related tasks.
NullOutputStream Output stream that writes to nothing.
ObjectUtility Utility methods useful for objects and reflection.
QuotedStringTokenizer This class implements a StringTokenizer that handles quotes.
SerializabilityTest Tests a class for serializability.
Sha1 This class is a port of the SHA-1 algorithm included with Mozilla.
SoftCache A class for caching values using SoftReferences.
SoftCache.NullValue Used to represent null values in the cache.
StringUtility This class contains useful methods for working with strings.
UrlEncoder Utility class for HTML form encoding.
Utf7InputStreamReader An InputStreamReader for reading UTF-7 encoded data.
Utf7Utility Utility methods for decoding UTF-7 encoded messages.

Exception Summary
AssertException The RuntimeException type thrown by the Assert class on an assertion failure.
ByteToCharUtf7.MalformedInputException Thrown to indicate that the input was not valid UTF-7.
NestedException This class is an exception that wraps another exception.
NestedRuntimeException This class is a runtime exception that wraps another exception.

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