> Configuring and
Managing the WebLogic
Messaging Bridge
Configuring and
Managing the WebLogic
Messaging Bridge
Configuring Interoperability for Exactly-once QOS
Configuring At-least-once or At-most-once QOS
Why did the messaging bridge fail to connect to the source bridge destination?
Can the messaging bridge handle two-phase or global transactions between separate WebLogic Server domains or between different releases?
I configured the messaging bridge to use the Exactly-once quality of service for two-phase transactions. So why am I getting a “quality of service is unreachable” error?
Can a messaging bridge to automatically downgrade the quality of service if the Exactly-once service isn’t available on either the source or target bridge destination?
I deployed the transactional jms-xa-adp.rar resource adapter on domain where the message bridge is running, but I still get a “failed to find bridge adapter” message?
When configuring a source or target messaging bridge destination, do I need to set the Adapter Classpath field?
How do I enable debugging for the messaging bridge?
What do the messaging bridge monitoring states indicate on the Monitor Messaging Bridge console page?
Is there another way to monitor the messaging bridge without using the Administration Console?
Can the messaging bridge use distributed destinations as source and target destinations?