BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface DriverInterceptor

public interface DriverInterceptor

Field Summary
static String INTERFACE_NAME
Method Summary
 void postInvokeCallback(Object vendorObj, String methodName, Object[] params, Object ret)
          WebLogic Server will invoke this method AFTER it calls a method in the JDBC driver.
 void postInvokeExceptionCallback(Object vendorObj, String methodName, Object[] params, Throwable error)
          WebLogic Server will invoke this method AFTER it calls a method in the JDBC driver.
 Object preInvokeCallback(Object vendorObj, String methodName, Object[] params)
          WebLogic Server will invoke this method BEFORE it calls a method in the JDBC driver.

Field Detail


static final String INTERFACE_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


Object preInvokeCallback(Object vendorObj,
                         String methodName,
                         Object[] params)
                         throws SQLException
WebLogic Server will invoke this method BEFORE it calls a method in the JDBC driver.

vendorObj - object who's method is being invoked
methodName - name of method being invoked
args - arguments to the method being invoked
null proceed with method invokation
SQLException - WLS will SKIP method invokation, and will rethrow this exception


void postInvokeCallback(Object vendorObj,
                        String methodName,
                        Object[] params,
                        Object ret)
                        throws SQLException
WebLogic Server will invoke this method AFTER it calls a method in the JDBC driver.

vendorObj - object who's method was invoked
methodName - name of invoked method
args - arguments to the invoked method
ret - output of the invoked method
SQLException - WLS will rethrow this exception


void postInvokeExceptionCallback(Object vendorObj,
                                 String methodName,
                                 Object[] params,
                                 Throwable error)
                                 throws SQLException
WebLogic Server will invoke this method AFTER it calls a method in the JDBC driver.

vendorObj - object who's method was invoked
methodName - name of invoked method
args - arguments to the invoked method
error - exception thrown from the invoked method
SQLException - WLS will rethrow this exception

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.