BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClientSAF
weblogic.jms.extensions WebLogic Server extensions to JMS. 

Uses of ClientSAF in weblogic.jms.extensions

Methods in weblogic.jms.extensions that return ClientSAF
static ClientSAF ClientSAFFactory.getClientSAF()
          Returns a Client SAF instance.
static ClientSAF ClientSAFFactory.getClientSAF(File rootDirectory, InputStream configuration)
          Returns a client SAF instance.
static ClientSAF ClientSAFFactory.getClientSAF(InputStream configuration)
          Returns a Client SAF instance.
 ClientSAF ClientSAFDuplicateException.getDuplicate()

Constructors in weblogic.jms.extensions with parameters of type ClientSAF
ClientSAFDuplicateException(ClientSAF paramDuplicate)
          Constructs a ConsumerClosedException that includes a reason and an errorCode for exception.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.