BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Class

Packages that use LoggerNotAvailableException
weblogic.logging WebLogic Logging APIs for logging messages to server and client logs. 

Uses of LoggerNotAvailableException in weblogic.logging

Methods in weblogic.logging that throw LoggerNotAvailableException
static Logger LoggingHelper.getDomainLogger()
          Gets the logger used for logging to the domain level log.

Uses of LoggerNotAvailableException in weblogic.logging.log4j

Methods in weblogic.logging.log4j that throw LoggerNotAvailableException
static org.apache.log4j.Logger Log4jLoggingHelper.getLog4jDomainLogger()
          Gets the Log4j Logger object used by the Domain Logging.
static org.apache.log4j.Logger Log4jLoggingHelper.getLog4jServerLogger()
          Gets the Log4j Logger object used by the Server Logging.

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