BEA Systems, Inc.

Package weblogic.rmi

Interface Summary
ForceCallByReference This is a tagging interface used to indicate whether the caller of an EJB is in the same EAR application This is an internal feature used by EJB sub-system.
Remote Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.Remote

Class Summary
Naming The Naming class is supported by WebLogic Server but BEA Systems, Inc.
RMISecurityManager Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.RMISecurityManager

Exception Summary
AccessException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.AccessException
AlreadyBoundException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException
ConnectException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.ConnectException
ConnectIOException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.ConnectIOException
MarshalException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.MarshalException
NoSuchObjectException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException
NotBoundException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.NotBoundException
RemoteException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.RemoteException
RMISecurityException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.RMISecurityException
ServerError Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.ServerError
ServerException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.ServerException
ServerRuntimeException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.ServerRuntimeException
ServerShuttingDownException This exception is thrown for any new RMI request when the server is suspending.
StubNotFoundException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.StubNotFoundException
UnexpectedException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.UnexpectedException
UnknownHostException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.UnknownHostException
UnmarshalException Deprecated. Replaced by java.rmi.UnmarshalException

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.