BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Class

Packages that use AuditSeverity

This package includes interfaces, classes, and exceptions you use to develop security providers. 


Uses of AuditSeverity in

Fields in declared as AuditSeverity
static AuditSeverity AuditSeverity.AUDIT_FAILURE
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the AUDIT_FAILURE severity level.
static AuditSeverity AuditSeverity.ERROR
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the ERROR severity level.
static AuditSeverity AuditSeverity.FAILURE
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the FAILURE severity level.
static AuditSeverity AuditSeverity.INFORMATION
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the INFORMATION severity level.
static AuditSeverity AuditSeverity.SUCCESS
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the SUCCESS severity level.
static AuditSeverity AuditSeverity.WARNING
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the WARNING severity level.

Methods in that return AuditSeverity
static AuditSeverity AuditSeverity.getInstance(String severityString)
          Returns one of the defined AuditSeverities by name, or null if none with given name exists.
 AuditSeverity AuditEvent.getSeverity()
          Gets the severity level value associated with the AuditEvent, from which the Auditing provider can make the decision whether or not to audit.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.