BEA Systems, Inc.
Class TPServiceInformation

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Conversation, Reply

public class TPServiceInformation
extends TuxedoReply
implements Conversation

This class represents all the information needed to run a service

See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
 TypedBuffer getServiceData()
          Returns the service data for this service
 int getServiceFlags()
          Returns the flags associated with this service.
 String getServiceName()
          Returns the service name this service is running
 String toString()
          Returns string version of the TPServiceInformation object
 void tpdiscon()
          All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface.
 Reply tprecv(int flags)
          All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface.
 void tpsend(TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface.
Methods inherited from class
getCallDescriptor, getReplyBuffer, gettpurcode, setCallDescriptor, setReplyBuffer, settpurcode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public String getServiceName()
Returns the service name this service is running

the service name that is being called


public TypedBuffer getServiceData()
Returns the service data for this service

the service data for this service invocation


public int getServiceFlags()
Returns the flags associated with this service. Valid flags are

the service flags associated with this service


public void tpsend(TypedBuffer data,
                   int flags)
            throws TPException
All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface. Note that since this is being called from a service invokation that we are always the subordinate in the conversation

Specified by:
tpsend in interface Conversation
data - Pointer to the data buffer; null specifies no data sent.
flags - The following is a list of valid flags:
  • TPRECVONLY: Specifies after this initiator’s data is sent, the initiator gives up control of the connection. The initiator becomes subordinate and only receives data. When the subordinate receives data, tperrno is set to TPEEVENT and revent is set to TPEV_SENDONLY.
  • TPNOBLOCK: Specifies this request is not sent if a blocking condition exists. For example, a blocking condition exists if the internal buffers into which this message is transferred are full. If TPNOBLOCK is not specified and a blocking condition exists, the initiator blocks until the condition subsides, a transaction timeout occurs, or a blocking timeout occurs.
  • TPNOTIME: Specifies this initiator blocks indefinitely and is immune from blocking timeouts but remains subject to transaction timeouts.

TPException - Returns a TPException exception indicating the error condition. tperrno is set to one of the following values:
  • TPEINVAL: Invalid arguments given. For example: svc is null or flags are invalid.
  • TPEPROTO: Called using an improper context.
  • TPESYSTEM: A BEA Tuxedo system error occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
See Also:


public Reply tprecv(int flags)
             throws TPException,
All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface. Note that since this is being called from a service invokation that we are always the subordinate in the conversation

Specified by:
tprecv in interface Conversation
flags - The following is a list of valid flags:
  • TPNOBLOCK: Specifies that tprecv does not wait for a reply to arrive. If a reply is available, tprecv gets the reply and returns. If this flag is not specified and a reply is not available, tprecv waits for one of the following to occur: a reply, a transaction timeout, or a blocking timeout.
  • TPNOTIME: Specifies tprecv waits indefinitely for a reply. tprecv is immune from blocking timeouts but is subject to transaction timeouts.
  • A flag value of 0 specifies this initiator blocks until the condition subsides or a timeout occurs.

A Reply object that contains the reply data from tpsend. A successful termination of a conversation is determined with a catch of a TPReplyException where the revent is set to TPEV_SVCSUCC.

TPException - Returns TPException indicating the error condition. tperrno is set to one of the following values:
  • TPEBLOCK: A blocking condition exists and TPNOBLOCK is specified.
  • TPEINVAL: Invalid arguments given. For example: cd or flags are invalid.
  • TPEPROTO: Called using an improper context.
  • TPESYSTEM: A BEA Tuxedo system error occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.

TPReplyException - Returns a TPReplyException indicating an event condition. tperrno is set to TPEEVENT and revent is one of the following:
  • TPEV_DISCONIMM: Received by the subordinate of a conversation indicating originator of the conversation: issued an immediate disconnect using tpdiscon; completed the service; committed or aborted the transaction with the connection still open. This event is also returned to the initiator or subordinate when a connection is broken due to a communications error. For example: a server, machine or network failure. This event signifies an abortive disconnect and indicates that data in transit may be lost. If two programs were participating in the same transaction, the transaction is marked abort-only and the conversation object is no longer valid.
  • TPEV_SENDONLY: Received by the subordinate of a conversation indicating the initiator of the conversation relinquished control of the connection. The recipient becomes the initiator to send data but cannot receive any data until it relinquishes control.
  • TPEV_SVCERR: Received by the initiator of a conversation indicating the subordinate completed a service that did not return sucessfully. For example: bad arguments passed into tpreturn or tpreturn was called with open connections to other subordinates. The connection is disconnected in an orderly manner and this conversation object is no longer valid. Application defined data or return codes are not available. If part of the recipient's transaction, the transaction is marked abort-only.
  • TPEV_SVCFAIL: Received by the initiator of the conversation indicating the subordinate service finished unsuccessfully as defined by the application. An Application defined return value and a TypedBuffer are returned to the initiator. For example: tpreturn called with TPFAIL or TPEXIT. The connection is disconnected in an orderly manner and this conversation object is no longer valid. If part of the recipient's transaction, the transaction is marked abort-only.
  • TPEV_SVCSUCC: Received by the initiator of a conversation indicating the subordinate service finished successfully as defined by the application - tpreturn called with TPSUCCESS. The connection is disconnected in an orderly manner and this conversation object is no longer valid. If the recipient initiated a transaction, it can commit the transaction or abort the transaction causing work done by the server in the same transaction to commit or abort.
See Also:


public void tpdiscon()
              throws TPException
All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface. Note that since this is being called from a service invokation that we are always the subordinate in the conversation

Specified by:
tpdiscon in interface Conversation
TPException - Returns a TPException indicating an error condition. tperrno is set to one of the following values:
  • TPEPROTO Called using an improper context.
  • TPESYSTEM A BEA Tuxedo system error occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
    See Also:


public String toString()
Returns string version of the TPServiceInformation object

toString in class TuxedoReply

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.