BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SNMPTrapSourceMBean   

Uses of SNMPTrapSourceMBean in

Subinterfaces of SNMPTrapSourceMBean in
 interface SNMPAttributeChangeMBean
          This class describes the settings to receive MBean-attribute change notification.
 interface SNMPCounterMonitorMBean
          This class describes the criteria for a Counter-based Monitor.
 interface SNMPGaugeMonitorMBean
          This class describes the criteria for a Gauge-based Monitor.
 interface SNMPJMXMonitorMBean
          This is a base class for Monitor based trap configuration MBeans : SNMPCounterMonitorMBean, SNMPStringMonitorMBean and SNMPGaugeMonitorMBean.
 interface SNMPLogFilterMBean
          This MBean represents a filter to qualify log messages which are logged to the server logfile.
 interface SNMPStringMonitorMBean
          This class describes the criteria for a String-based Monitor.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.