Node Manager Administrator’s Guide

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Using Node Manager

This chapter provides information on how to start and stop the Java-based and script-based Node Manager. It also provides information on the recommended procedures for starting servers using Node Manager. The following topics are covered:


Starting Node Manager

Running Node Manager as a Startup Service

It is recommended that you install Node Manager to run as a startup service. This allows Node Manager to start up automatically each time the system is restarted.

By default, Node Manager listens only from the local host. If you want Node Manager to accept commands from remote systems, you must uninstall the default Node Manager service, then reinstall it to listen on a non-localhost Listen Address.

Starting Java-based Node Manager Using Scripts

Although running Node Manager as an operating system service is recommended, you can also start Node Manager manually at the command prompt or with a script. The environment variables Node Manager requires are described in Step 8: Set the Node Manager Environment Variables.

Sample start scripts for Node Manager are installed in the WL_HOME\server\bin directory, where WL_HOME is the top-level installation directory for WebLogic Server. Use startNodeManager.cmd on Windows systems and on UNIX systems.

The scripts set the required environment variables and start Node Manager in WL_HOME/common/nodemanager. Node Manager uses this directory as a working directory for output and log files. To specify a different working directory, edit the start script with a text editor and set the value of the NODEMGR_HOME variable to the desired directory.

Edit the sample start script to make sure that the command qualifiers set the correct listen address and port number for your Node Manager process.

Command Syntax for Starting Java-based Node Manager

The syntax for starting Java-based Node Manager is:

java [java_option=value ...] -D[nodemanager_property=value] -D[server_property=value] weblogic.NodeManager


Notes: For UNIX systems:
Note: If you run Node Manager on a UNIX operating system other than Solaris or HP UX, you cannot have any white space characters in any of the parameters that will be passed to the java command line when starting Node Manager. For example, this command fails due to the space character in the name “big iron”.

-Dweblogic.Name="big iron"

Note: For UNIX systems other than Solaris, HP-UX, and Linux operating systems, you must disable the weblogic.nodemanager.nativeVersionEnabled option at the command line when starting Node Manager (or set the property in to use the pure Java version. For more information, see Reviewing

Running Script-based Node Manager

To use the SSH Node Manager Command Shell, start the Administration Server using the following command line option:

-Dweblogic.nodemanager.ShellCommand=’ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no %H -d %D -r %R -s %S -x -c -f %C’

Note: %C must be the last argument supplied to

The weblogic.nodemanager.ShellCommand attribute specifies the command template to use to communicate with a remote SSH Node Manager and execute Node Manager functions for server instances under its control.

The template assumes that is in the default path on the remote machine hosting Node Manager.

The ShellCommand syntax is:

ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no %H -d %D -r %R -s %S %C'

The possible command line options are listed in Table . The possible parameter values are listed in Table .

For example, if you type this command,

ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no myserver start

The listen address and port of the SSH server default to the listen address and port used by Node Manager on the remote machine. The domain name and domain directory are assumed to be the root directory specified for the target server instance, myserver.

This command:

ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no -d ProductionDomain -r ProductionDomain -s ServerA'

issues a START command to the server instance named ServerA, in the domain called ProductionDomain, located in the domains/ProductionDomain directory.

The ssh command must include the string:

-o PasswordAuthentication=no

This string passes the ssh PasswordAuthentication option. A value of yes causes the client to hang when it tries to read from the console.

Table 6-1 Command Line Options
Specifies the Node Manager root directory
Specifies the server name
Specifies the domain directory
Sets the Node Manager debug flag.
Enables a server start script.
The name of the server start script.
The name of the server stop script.
Prints the usage for

Table 6-2 Shell Command Templates
Host name of the SSH server
Node Manager home directory
Port number of SSH server
WebLogic server name
WebLogic domain name
Domain directory (server root)
Node manager script command
  • START—Start server
  • KILL—Kill server
  • STAT—Get server status
  • GETLOG—Retrieve server output log.
  • VERSION—Return Node Manager version.

Note: This must be the last element in the command.


Stopping Node Manager

To stop Node Manager, close the command shell in which it is running.


Using Node Manager to Control Servers

This section describes the recommended procedures for starting servers using Node Manager and WLST.

Note: In general, it is recommended that you use the WebLogic Scripting Tool and Node Manager to start and stop the Administration Server and managed servers.For more information, see “Node Manager Commands” in WebLogic Scripting Tool

Starting the Administration Server Using Node Manager

The following general procedures are recommended for starting an Administration Server using WLST and Node Manager.

  1. Connect to WLST using the connect command.
  2. Connect to Node Manager using the nmConnect command.
  3. Start the Administration Server using the nmStart command.

After the Administration Server has been started, you can use WLST to start the managed servers in your domain.

Note: Starting the server using the nmStart command allows Node Manager to monitor the state of your Administration Server and restart it in case of failure. Node Manager can only restart servers that were started in this way.

Starting Managed Servers

The following general procedures are recommended for starting a managed server using WLST and Node Manager.

  1. Connect to WLST using the connect command.
  2. Start you managed server using the WLST start command.

Using the start command causes WLST to contact the Administration Server to determine the managed servers startup properties. These are in turn passed to Node Manager and are used to start the managed server.

Note: Using nmStart allows you to pass specific properties to a server, but should only be used for debugging. Server properties passed through nmStart are not preserved the next time the server is restarted.

Starting Managed Servers without an Administration Server

The following general procedures are recommended for starting a managed server using WLST and Node Manager if you do not want to use the Administration Server to determine a managed server’s startup properties:

  1. Connect to WLST using the connect command.
  2. Connect to Node Manager using the nmConnect command.
  3. Start the managed server using the nmStart command.

Using the nmStart command allows you to restart a managed server without the Administration Server and to specify the server startup properties you want. However, the following considerations apply:

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