BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference
complexType clusterType


name?, notes?, cluster-address?, multicast-address?, multicast-buffer-size?, multicast-port?, multicast-ttl?, multicast-send-delay?, default-load-algorithm?, cluster-messaging-mode?, cluster-broadcast-channel?, service-age-threshold-seconds?, client-cert-proxy-enabled?, weblogic-plugin-enabled?, member-warmup-timeout-seconds?, http-trace-support-enabled?, frontend-host?, frontend-http-port?, frontend-https-port?, idle-periods-until-timeout?, remote-cluster-address?, replication-channel?, inter-cluster-comm-link-health-check-interval?, data-source-for-session-persistence?, data-source-for-job-scheduler?, job-scheduler-table-name?, persist-sessions-on-shutdown?, session-flush-interval?, session-flush-threshold?, candidate-machines-for-migratable-server?, data-source-for-automatic-migration?, health-check-interval-millis?, health-check-periods-until-fencing?, fencing-grace-period-millis?, singleton-sql-query-helper?, number-of-servers-in-cluster-address?, cluster-type?, multicast-data-encryption?, auto-migration-table-name?, additional-auto-migration-attempts?, millis-to-sleep-between-auto-migration-attempts?, migration-basis?, consensus-participants?, replication-timeout-enabled?, overload-protection?, database-less-leasing-basis?, http-ping-retry-count?, max-server-count-for-http-ping?, secure-replication-enabled?, unicast-discovery-period-millis?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none

This bean represents a cluster in the domain. Servers join a cluster by calling ServerMBean.setCluster with the logical name of the cluster. A configuration may define zero or more clusters. They may be looked up by logical name. The name of a cluster denotes its logical cluster name.

MBean: ClusterMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
stringnotes optional

Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

stringcluster-address optional

The address that forms a portion of the URL a client uses to connect to this cluster, and that is used for generating EJB handles and entity EJB failover addresses.

stringmulticast-address optional

The multicast address used by cluster members to communicate with each other.

annonymous type derived from intmulticast-buffer-size optional

The multicast socket send/receive buffer size (at least 64 kilobytes).

annonymous type derived from intmulticast-port optional

The multicast port (between 1 and 65535) used by cluster members to communicate with each other.

annonymous type derived from intmulticast-ttl optional

The number of network hops (between 1 and 255) that a cluster multicast message is allowed to travel.

annonymous type derived from intmulticast-send-delay optional

The amount of time (between 0 and 250 milliseconds) to delay sending message fragments over multicast in order to avoid OS-level buffer overflow.

annonymous type derived from stringdefault-load-algorithm optional

The algorithm to be used for load-balancing between replicated services if none is specified for a particular service.

annonymous type derived from stringcluster-messaging-mode optional

Specifies the messaging type used in the cluster.

stringcluster-broadcast-channel optional

Specifies the channel used to handle communications within a cluster.

annonymous type derived from intservice-age-threshold-seconds optional

The number of seconds (between 0 and 65534) by which the age of two conflicting services must differ before one is considered older than the other.

booleanclient-cert-proxy-enabled optional

This bean represents a cluster in the domain.

booleanweblogic-plugin-enabled optional

This bean represents a cluster in the domain.

annonymous type derived from intmember-warmup-timeout-seconds optional

Maximum number of seconds that a cluster member will wait to discover and synchronize with other servers in the cluster.

booleanhttp-trace-support-enabled optional

This bean represents a cluster in the domain.

stringfrontend-host optional

The name of the host to which all redirected URLs will be sent.

intfrontend-http-port optional

The name of the HTTP port to which all redirected URLs will be sent.

intfrontend-https-port optional

The name of the secure HTTP port to which all redirected URLs will be sent.

annonymous type derived from intidle-periods-until-timeout optional

Maximum number of periods that a cluster member will wait before timing out a member of a cluster.

stringremote-cluster-address optional

Set the foreign cluster.

stringreplication-channel optional

The channel name to be used for replication traffic.

intinter-cluster-comm-link-health-check-interval optional

If the cluster link between two clusters goes down, a trigger will run to periodically to see if the link is restored.

stringdata-source-for-session-persistence optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringdata-source-for-job-scheduler optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringjob-scheduler-table-name optional

The table name to use for storing timers active with the job scheduler

Privileges: Read/Write

Default Value: weblogic_timers

Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

booleanpersist-sessions-on-shutdown optional

When shutting down servers, sessions are not updated.

intsession-flush-interval optional

Interval in seconds until HTTP Sessions are periodically flushed to the backup cluster to dump session state on disk.

intsession-flush-threshold optional

When number of sessions to be flushed reaches this threshold limit, sessions will be flushed to the backup cluster before the flush interval.

stringcandidate-machines-for-migratable-server optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

stringdata-source-for-automatic-migration optional


Redeploy or Restart required: Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

inthealth-check-interval-millis optional

Interval in milliseconds at which Migratable Servers and Cluster Masters prove their liveness via the database.

annonymous type derived from inthealth-check-periods-until-fencing optional

Maximum number of periods that a cluster member will wait before timing out a Cluster Master and also the maximum number of periods the Cluster Master will wait before timing out a Migratable Server.

intfencing-grace-period-millis optional

During automatic migration, if the Cluster Master determines a server to be dead, it waits for this period of time (in milliseconds) before the Cluster Master migrates the service to another server in the cluster.

stringsingleton-sql-query-helper optional
intnumber-of-servers-in-cluster-address optional

Number of servers to be listed from this cluster when generating a cluster address automatically.

annonymous type derived from stringcluster-type optional

Optimizes cross-cluster replication for the type of network that servers in the clusters use for administrative communication.

booleanmulticast-data-encryption optional

Enables multicast data to be incrypted.

stringauto-migration-table-name optional

Return the name of the table to be used for server migration.

intadditional-auto-migration-attempts optional

A migratable server could fail to come up on every possible configured machine.

longmillis-to-sleep-between-auto-migration-attempts optional

Controls how long of a pause there should be between the migration attempts described in getAdditionalAutoMigrationAttempts().

annonymous type derived from stringmigration-basis optional

Controls the mechanism used for server migration.

annonymous type derived from intconsensus-participants optional
booleanreplication-timeout-enabled optional

This bean represents a cluster in the domain.

anyTypeoverload-protection optional

Get attributes related to server overload protection.

anyTypedatabase-less-leasing-basis optional

Get attributes associated with database less leasing basis used for server migration and singleton services.

annonymous type derived from inthttp-ping-retry-count optional
annonymous type derived from intmax-server-count-for-http-ping optional
booleansecure-replication-enabled optional

This bean represents a cluster in the domain.

annonymous type derived from intunicast-discovery-period-millis optional

BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Domain Configuration Schema Reference

Version: 10.0