BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
element max-server-count-for-http-ping

<max-server-count-for-http-ping>annonymous type derived from int</max-server-count-for-http-ping>
Disallowed substitutions (block)
none (extensions, restrictions and substitutions are allowed)
Substitution group exclusion (final)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Get the maximum number of servers that can be pinged via HTTP when
 the local server has lost multicast heartbeats from remote members. By
 default the server is taken out of the cluster when 3 consecutive
 heartbeats are lost. With this value > 0, the server attempts to ping the
 remote server point-to-point before declaring it unreachable. The ping is
 considered successful only when the cluster is in a stable state which
 means that the servers have already exchanged annoucements and the data
 on multicast is primarily liveliness heartbeat.
 NOTE: This mechanism is useful only as a substitute for multicast heartbeats.
 If subsystems rely on sending data over multicast then they will continue to
 fail. If an application relies on WebLogic features that use multicast for
 sending and receiving data over multicast, this option is not useful. It is
 useful for HTTP session replication based applications where replication
 updates are sent point-to-point and multicast is only used to determine
 ( Attribute=getMaxServerCountForHttpPing)
Fundamental Facets
equality, numeric, bounded, totaly ordered, countable infinite value space
White Space Processing
Pattern Facet
Digits Facets
fraction digits: 0
BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0