BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
complexType domainType


name?, notes?, domain-version?, last-modification-time?, active?, security-configuration?, security?, jta?, deployment-configuration?, wtc-server*, log?, snmp-agent?, snmp-agent-deployment*, root-directory?, console-enabled?, console-context-path?, console-extension-directory?, server*, cluster*, file-t3*, messaging-bridge*, production-mode-enabled?, embedded-ldap?, administration-port-enabled?, administration-port?, archive-configuration-count?, config-backup-enabled?, configuration-version?, administration-m-bean-auditing-enabled?, configuration-audit-type?, cluster-constraints-enabled?, app-deployment*, library*, domain-library*, ws-reliable-delivery-policy*, jdbc-data-source-factory*, machine*, xml-entity-cache*, xml-registry*, file-realm*, caching-realm*, realm*, password-policy*, custom-realm*, ldap-realm*, nt-realm*, rdbms-realm*, unix-realm*, jms-server*, virtual-host*, migratable-target*, ejb-container?, web-app-container?, jmx?, self-tuning?, path-service*, jms-bridge-destination*, bridge-destination*, shutdown-class*, startup-class*, singleton-service*, mail-session*, jolt-connection-pool*, log-filter*, file-store*, jdbc-store*, jms-interop-module*, jms-system-resource*, custom-resource*, foreign-jndi-provider*, admin-server-name?, administration-protocol?, wldf-system-resource*, jdbc-system-resource*, saf-agent*, wlec-connection-pool*, error-handling*, remote-saf-context*, migratable-rmi-service*, webservice-security*, jms-connection-consumer*, auto-deploy-for-submodules-enabled?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: domain
Corresponds to DomainMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
          <p>The user-specified name of this MBean instance. 
stringnotes optional
          <p>Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. 
stringdomain-version optional
          <p>Defines the common version of all servers in a domain. 
longlast-modification-time optional
          <p>Return the last time this domain was updated. 
booleanactive optional
          <p>Is this domain active?</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypesecurity-configuration optional
          <p>Return the (new) security configuration for this domain. 
anyTypesecurity optional
          <p>Return the (old) security configuration for this domain. 
anyTypejta optional
          <p>Return the JTA configuration for this Domain. 
anyTypedeployment-configuration optional
          <p>Return the deployment configuration for this Domain. 
anyTypewtc-server 0...∞
          <p>Return the WTCServerMBeans for this Domain. 
anyTypelog optional
          <p>Return the domain logfile configuration for this domain. 
anyTypesnmp-agent optional
          <p>Return the SNMPAgentMBean for this domain. 
anyTypesnmp-agent-deployment 0...∞
          The SNMPAgentDeployments defined in the domain. 
stringroot-directory optional
          <p>Return the root directory for the domain. 
booleanconsole-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether the Administration Server automatically deploys the Administration Console in the current domain. 
stringconsole-context-path optional
          <p>The context path that you want to use in URLs that specify the Administration Console. 
stringconsole-extension-directory optional
          <p>Returns the directory path that console extensions are loaded from. 
anyTypeserver 0...∞
          <p>Returns the ServerMBeans representing the servers that have been configured to be part of this domain. 
anyTypecluster 0...∞
          <p>Returns the ClusterMBeans representing the cluster that have been configured to be part of this domain. 
anyTypefile-t3 0...∞
          <p>Returns the FileT3MBeans representing the FileT3s that have been configured to be part of this domain. 
anyTypemessaging-bridge 0...∞
          <p>Returns the MessagingBridgeMBean representing the messaging bridges that have been configured to be part of this domain. 
booleanproduction-mode-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether all servers in this domain run in production mode. 
anyTypeembedded-ldap optional
          <p>Returns the embedded LDAP configuration for this domain. 
booleanadministration-port-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether the domain-wide administration port should be enabled for this WebLogic Server domain. 
annonymous type derived from intadministration-port optional
          <p>The common secure administration port for this WebLogic Server domain. 
intarchive-configuration-count optional
          <p>The number of archival versions of <tt>config. 
booleanconfig-backup-enabled optional
          <p>If true, then backups of the configuration will be made during server boot. 
stringconfiguration-version optional
          <p>The release identifier for the configuration. 
booleanadministration-m-bean-auditing-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies whether the Administration Server generates a log message when this WebLogic Server domain's configuration has been modified. 
annonymous type derived from stringconfiguration-audit-type optional
          Returns the criteria used for auditing configuration events (configuration changes and other operations): <ul> <li><code>CONFIG_CHANGE_NONE</code> Configuration events will neither be written to the server log or directed to the Security Audit Framework. 
booleancluster-constraints-enabled optional
          <p>Specifies that deployments targeted to a cluster succeed only if all servers in the cluster are running. 
anyTypeapp-deployment 0...∞
          <p>The collection of deployable entities in this domain. 
anyTypelibrary 0...∞
anyTypedomain-library 0...∞
anyTypews-reliable-delivery-policy 0...∞
          <p>Define wSReliableDeliveryPolicies for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypejdbc-data-source-factory 0...∞
          <p>Define JDBCDataSourceFactories for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypemachine 0...∞
          <p>Define machines for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypexml-entity-cache 0...∞
          Returns all the XMLEntityCache objects defined in this domain (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypexml-registry 0...∞
          <p>Define xMLRegistries for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypefile-realm 0...∞
anyTypecaching-realm 0...∞
anyTyperealm 0...∞
anyTypepassword-policy 0...∞
anyTypecustom-realm 0...∞
anyTypeldap-realm 0...∞
anyTypent-realm 0...∞
anyTyperdbms-realm 0...∞
anyTypeunix-realm 0...∞
anyTypejms-server 0...∞
          <p>Define JMSServers for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypevirtual-host 0...∞
          <p>Define VirtualHosts for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypemigratable-target 0...∞
          <p>Returns an array of the contained MigratableTarget MBeans</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypeejb-container optional
anyTypeweb-app-container optional
          Collection of global properties to be applied on all webapps in this domain. 
anyTypejmx optional
          The configuration of the JMX Subsystem. 
anyTypeself-tuning optional
          Get the WorkManager configuration pieces for this domain (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypepath-service 0...∞
          Define PathService for this Domain (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypejms-bridge-destination 0...∞
          <p>Return the JMSBridgeDestinations for this Domain. 
anyTypebridge-destination 0...∞
          <p>Return the BridgeDestinations for this Domain. 
anyTypeshutdown-class 0...∞
          <p>Retrieve ShutdownClasses for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypestartup-class 0...∞
          <p>Retrieve StartupClasses for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypesingleton-service 0...∞
          <p>Retrieve SingletonServicees for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypemail-session 0...∞
          <p>Retrieve MailSessions for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypejolt-connection-pool 0...∞
          <p>Return the JoltConnectionPools for this Domain. 
anyTypelog-filter 0...∞
          Gets the array of log filters defined in the domain (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypefile-store 0...∞
          <p>Return file stores defined in this domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypejdbc-store 0...∞
          <p>Return file stores defined in this domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypejms-interop-module 0...∞
          <p>Returns the JMS Interop Module that have been defined for this domain. 
anyTypejms-system-resource 0...∞
          <p>Returns the JMSSystemResourceMBeans that have been defined for this domain. 
anyTypecustom-resource 0...∞
          <p>Returns the JMSSystemResourceMBeans that have been defined for this domain. 
anyTypeforeign-jndi-provider 0...∞
          Get all the defined Foreign JNDI Providers (Interface=weblogic. 
stringadmin-server-name optional
annonymous type derived from stringadministration-protocol optional
          <p>The default protocol for communicating through the administration port or administration channels. 
anyTypewldf-system-resource 0...∞
          <p>Returns the WLDFSystemResourceMBeans that have been defined for this domain. 
anyTypejdbc-system-resource 0...∞
          <p>Returns the JDBCSystemResourceMBeans that have been defined for this domain </p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypesaf-agent 0...∞
          <p>Get SAFAgentMBean for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypewlec-connection-pool 0...∞
          <p>Get WLECConnectionPools for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypeerror-handling 0...∞
          <p>Get ErrorHandlingMBean for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTyperemote-saf-context 0...∞
          <p>Get RemoteSAFContextMBean for this Domain</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypemigratable-rmi-service 0...∞
          <p>Returns an array of the contained MigratableRMIService MBeans</p> (Interface=weblogic. 
anyTypewebservice-security 0...∞
anyTypejms-connection-consumer 0...∞
booleanauto-deploy-for-submodules-enabled optional
          Indicates whether autodeployed applications could include JMS modules. 

BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0