BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference
complexType jmssaf-message-log-fileType


name?, notes?, date-format-pattern?, file-name?, rotation-type?, number-of-files-limited?, file-count?, file-time-span?, rotation-time?, file-time-span-factor?, file-min-size?, rotate-log-on-startup?, log-file-rotation-dir?, buffer-size-kb?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none
Corresponds to JMSSAFMessageLogFileMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
          <p>The user-specified name of this MBean instance. 
stringnotes optional
          <p>Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. 
annonymous type derived from stringdate-format-pattern optional
          <p>The date format pattern used for rendering dates in the log. 
stringfile-name optional
          <p>The name of the file that stores current log messages. 
annonymous type derived from stringrotation-type optional
          Criteria for moving old log messages to a separate file. 
booleannumber-of-files-limited optional
          <p>Indicates whether to limit the number of log files that this server instance creates to store old messages. 
annonymous type derived from intfile-count optional
          <p>The maximum number of log files that the server creates when it rotates the log. 
annonymous type derived from intfile-time-span optional
          <p>The interval (in hours) at which the server saves old log messages to another file. 
stringrotation-time optional
          <p>Determines the start time (hour and minute) for a time-based rotation sequence. 
longfile-time-span-factor optional
          This factor is defined so that log rotation can be tested at a different frequency. 
annonymous type derived from intfile-min-size optional
          The size (1 - 65535 kilobytes) that triggers the server to move log messages to a separate file. 
booleanrotate-log-on-startup optional
          <p>Specifies whether a server rotates its log file during its startup cycle. 
stringlog-file-rotation-dir optional
          <p>The directory where the rotated log files will be stored. 
intbuffer-size-kb optional
          Gets the underlying log buffer size in kilo bytes (Interface=weblogic. 

BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Security Schema Reference

Version: 10.0